The Christmas season brings gatherings of old and new friends. This year some of those December gatherings were captured for my album.
The choir at St. Victoria includes people of both old and new acquaintance. Many of them gathered at my house for a Christmas party on December 22nd. Those three little singers in the corner represent several choir members who were unable to attend. This annual gathering at my house is now in its 25 years!
The choir presented flowers to Director Jamie Moore at our recent Christmas Concert … and also to me, their pianist and organist. Little Miss Addie Sue had been commissioned to surprise me with the bouquet of roses. Thank you, choir friends.
And thank you, good granddaughter. You were simply perfect in front of all the large audience and choir.
Am I still talking about the choir? Yes. Some of us get together on a more regular basis. Here we are at the home of Cowboy Tom and Denise Stumpf.
Allan's turn to take the picture.
Several longtime, former, loyal members of the Victoria Chamber of Commerce, who worked together for years on the Touch of Bavaria and the Victoria Fishing Contest, gathered at my home for a little reunion and Christmas Cheer. Happy New Year, good people.
They are not triplets! They are (l-r) Germaine, Mary, and Julianne. We gathered to open presents at my house and laugh a little for Christmas.
Allan says, "Thank you, Mary, for the wine and the chef's apron."
We can never figure it out.
And it never keeps Allan awake.
My birthday is also in December. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for the beautiful bouquet.
Close-ups are especially colorful and striking.
This bouquet was from Allan. There were 12 of them.
The last day of December found us where we normally are for New Year's Eve -- at the Officer's Club at Fort Snelling with John and Jan Flora (center) and Lloyd and Rosalie Pauly.
We ate well, and danced, and toasted the New Year.
Happy New Year, Jan and John.
Happy New Year, Rosalie and Lloyd.