Christmas at Mom and Dad’s

Love, Susan

Allan and I drove home for Christmas Day at Mom and Dad’s, to the farm, to the house where they’ve lived since 1947, where they raised their seven kids, including me, the oldest.

Mom put up their little Christmas tree in the bay window of the dining room. 

My sister Nancy and I posed with Mom near the Christmas tree.

Dad helped Mom get things set out for Christmas dinner.

But first there was plenty of time for appetizers and wine . . .

. . .and laughter, too.  That’s my brother Matt and sister Nancy with Dad.

My brother in law Steve (Nancy’s husband) and Allan (mine) pose for a picture with Mom.

That’s my brother Bernie on the left with his youngest son Joe.

Me and my brother Louie.

That’s my sister in law Margene on the left, my little Paul on the right with his wife Sharon.

My sisters in law Suzanne (Matt’s wife) and Margene (Bernie’s wife).  They’re sitting in Mom and Dad’s twin easy chairs.

Caught in the headlights.

Paulie, me, Steve.

Actually, Allan took some of these pictures with my camera and you can see that  …

. . . he didn’t ask them to say cheese.

That’s Nancy’s daughter Lori on the left (and Sharon and Paul, remember?).

Bernie and Marge and Joe left first.  They live less than five miles away.  Joe lives and works in the Cities.

Nancy’s daughter Sonya and her husband Dustin popped in to see Grandma and Grandpa.

Then it was time for Allan and me to head back to Victoria.  I like to walk around the house and look at everything one last time before I leave … it was my home until I left home.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for everything.  The day was good, the food was delicious.

And happy birthday, Mom, a little bit in advance of January 16th, your 87th birthday.