The lovely summer day brought our friends John and Jan Flora to us and to the Deer Run Golf Course here in Victoria. We became acquainted with the Floras, who live in Fridley, MN, many years ago through the American Public Works Association. Both John and Allan are past presidents of the organization. Anyhow, tee-off time was 2 p.m. on this "Fast Friday" of July 13th, so billed because we could do the 18 holes in only four hours, without the delays and holdups of a crowded time. Deer Run is beautiful. It is colorful. It is sophisticated in a country way, and country in a sophisticated way. Such are the thoughts of a non-golfer. I rode along in Allan's cart to observe and participate and photograph the summer day. John, Jan, and Allan had to sweat and work the entire four hours. And you, dear peruser of this album page, get to simply enjoy!
Hello, Deer Run. Thank you for the pretty entrance on Victoria Drive.
John and Jan are seated in front. The third golfer is Allan. The person on the right is a driver.
Hello, Tom Abts, golf pro at Deer Run, columnist in The Victoria Gazette, husband of Sandy.
The Number One Tee … Is there another way to begin a golf game?
It was a hit and not a miss.
"So how do you like retirement, John?"
It comes with retirement.
No butts about it, Al. That's a backside swing.
Country flavor comes with the silo.
The cattails swallowed this one.
Deer Run golf carts come equipped with color photos and layout for each of the 18 holes. The sandals and toes are extra.
Three balls in the fountain …
By restful waters He leads me ...
Daffodils and daisies and duffers?
John's saddle shoes are going to get wet.
A Victoria perspective. See the tiny water tower?
That's the Deer Run Clubhouse in the background of this 18th hole.
Food and refreshments are available at the Clubhouse. Mmmmmmm. But where's the editor?