Farewells at the City |
At the end of the final city council meeting of 2018 on December 10th, Interim City Manager Doug Reeder bid farewell to Finance Director Kelly Grinnell and City Councilmembers Tom Strigel and Jim Crowley. Kelly accepted a position with the City of Chaska. Tom and Jim chose not to run for re-election this fall. Both served eight years on the council. |
Mr. Reeder spoke solemnly. “I have to make a presentation that I thought I’d never have to make. We are now faced with the loss of one of the best finance directors that I’ve worked with. I’ve had the privilege of working with her and enjoyed it very much. Kelly has grown to a point that one of our large neighborhood cities has stolen her.” |
“Her value and expertise have obviously been appreciated,” said Mr. Reeder. “Let me show you some of the achievements Kelly has made since she’s been here. She helped Victoria get the Triple A bond rating awarded in 2018. That’s only been given to about 25 cities our size. That achievement alone is simply amazing.” |
Continued Mr. Reeder, “Every year since 2007, Victoria has received the Outstanding Achievement Award from Government Finance Officers Association. Not all cities get that either. It’s a lot of work. It’s really a good reflection on this city. We’ve received the Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award every year since 2012. Again, that's a very important award.” |
Mr. Reeder then presented a plaque recognizing Kelly’s outstanding contribution to the City of Victoria and thanking her for her time and work in Victoria. At this point, she received a sustained ovation. Her effective end of employment in Victoria was the next day, Tuesday, December 11th, 2018. |
Councilmembers also spoke glowingly of Kelly and her work. She replied, “Thank you all very much for your kind words. I’m truly grateful for the great co-workers I’ve had. I can’t say enough about Trish Pollock. She’s just the best at what she does. It’s so hard to leave you guys because we’ve built such good bonds. That’s one of the hardest parts of this. I’m going to miss you all and I’m going to miss this place.” |
Then Mr. Reeder spoke of outgoing Councilmember Tom Strigel, left, and Councilmember Jim Crowley. “I want to say to both Tom and Jim that it’s been a pleasure working for you and, on behalf of the city staff and citizens of Victoria, I want to thank you for your eight years of great service to the City of Victoria.” |
He spoke of The Athenian Oath to “transmit this city not only, not less, but greater, better, and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us.” In the last eight years of Tom and Jim’s service, he said, there have been 10 miles of street improvements for $7.9 million. Overhead utility lines were buried in downtown and around the city using franchise fees. A 750,000 gallon water reservoir was constructed in Rhapsody Park. New construction also included the Charlson Thun Community Bandstand, the Lions Park Pavilion, the new Victoria City Hall, Library, and Public Works Building.” |
Said Councilmember Tom Vogt, “I’ve respected what you’ve done here on the council and I’ve learned from you. You’ve been great city council people, supportive of the city. I think the citizens of Victoria really got a deal with you. I’m glad I know you. You are gentlemen and quite talented. So thank you.” |
Councilmember Strigel stated, “Everybody who has sat up here knows it’s nothing you do for power and glory and certainly not for the money. It’s because you believe in the community. You want to make it better and be a part of it. Thank you for the honor of allowing me to serve. Said Councilmember Crowley, “I thank the citizens of Victoria for their support and staff for their dedication to our city, and I offer my best wishes to the new council. Thank you.” |
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