We drove home to the farm near Ghent for Father's Day and sat at the kitchen counter with coffee and Mom's delicious homemade candy bars. But we spent most of our time at a hotel in Marshall where we invited everybody over for pizza. The next day we went to Nancy and Steve's for a wonderful Father's Day meal.
The guys' corner in our hotel room included my dad (in the blue shirt), Allan (white socks), son in law Christopher (red shirt), my brother Paul (Twins shirt) and our son Nick (white polo).
Our little Miss Addie Sue (curls and red bow) was delighted to find a new little friend, Torrie Dubbledee, who is one of my sister Nancy's granddaughters.
Did I say four generations? That's my Mama Betty, my Daughter Jenny, and my Grandson Gunnar.
My sister Nancy and her husband Steve live on a farm near Ghent. You might notice that the pizza was delivered and devoured.
Hi, Niece Lori and new baby Tiffany.
As you can see, they're still sitting in the corner.
Paul's wife Sharon joined the pizza party. They live in Marshall.
Pretty soon they all went home to sleep. See Nancy yawn? That's my brother Bernie and his wife Margene who came a little late but got in the picture!
The next morning Jenny and Addie spent time in the pool.