First Communion Sunday |
This is the big day that everybody has been waiting for and the main reason we went to Tioga. |
Gunnar and Addie come downstairs in the morning and finish waking up on the couch. Grandpa Al joined them. |
Gunnar is the first one dressed. |
Ties are kind of tricky. |
Jenny baked ham to bring to the potluck meal scheduled at the church hall for everyone after Mass. |
Maybe Addie has never seen Chris polish his shoes before. |
Jenny helps with Addie’s veil. |
Addie’s curls are perfect, like her mommy’s. |
Jenny brought her ham to the church hall, which was all decorated with lace table cloths and centerpieces. |
Four generations of girls — each the oldest of their siblings — are ready for the occasion. |
Sweet Adeline was the first of the First Communicants to receive Communion for the very first time. |
Body of Christ. |
One picture is worth a thousand words, or more. |
Each of the six first communicants were followed by their parents. |
Jenny was their First Communion teacher and evernone wanted a picture with her. |
Then Father Benny joined them. |
Father Benny recognized Jenny at the end of Mass and everybody applauded her. |
Father Benny called Addie a little angel. |
There was even a First Communion Cake. |
Several church ladies helped in the kitchen. |
The little kids sat together at one table. |
There’s only one way to eat chicken. |
Jenny had each of the children create a special “square” which she then put together for a First Communion banner that was displayed during Mass. |
The Norgaards of Tioga, North Dakota. |
It made Mom cry to think that Dad couldn’t be there with us. Maybe next time. |
Relaxing while the big people visit and get ready to leave. |
Gunnar found another use for his tie — jump rope. |
Time to open presents. |
Among other things, Grandma Sue gave her Godchild a special book entitled “The Imitation of Christ.” It was a favorite of St. Terese, who was known as the Little Flower, sort of like Addie. |
Everybody needs a new pair of shorts for summer. |
Addie read each card outloud. |
Jenny gave her little girl the perfect Precious Moments figurine. |
Addie looks like she’s sitting on a cloud. |
Great Grandma Betty gave Addie a pewter angel from Mexico. |
In no time at all, Addie changed into her new outfit. |
Grandma Sue and Great Grandma Betty also had gifts for Gunnar. |
Gunnar liked his new clothes and also a New Testament “like big people have,” so he can find the chapter and verse that he’s looking for. |