Home & Garden Business Expo
The annual Home and Garden Business Expo sponsored by the Victoria Chamber of Commerce was held on Saturday, April 7th, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the lunchroom of the Holy Family Catholic High School in Victoria. Close to 500 people attended and visited the more than 50 booths. Thank you, Mayor Mary Meuwissen and Mike Hanlon of Nature's Bounty, for chairing this successful event. Thank you, Chamber Director Marlene Speltz and husband Dave for your coordination of events. The following photographs are only a small glimpse into the many activities and personalities of the day.
Carol and Pastor Frank Jones of the Lake Auburn Moravian Church in Victoria sat near the front door and welcomed visitors to the Expo.
Children from area dance classes -- of different age groups and brightly colored costumes -- performed throughout the afternoon to the delight of Expo visitors.
Hello, fine dentists, Dr. Tom Regnier, far left, Dr. David Dungey, next to him, who practice in Victoria and Waconia. Hello, Cheryl assistant Cheryl Wittsack & receptionist Kathy Rieppel.
Hello, Mike Hanlon, right, of Nature's Bounty in Victoria who grilled burgers for guests on the Holland grill. Normally he sells patio furniture, gifts galore, and much nursery stock.
Bobby Goral is one of three owners of Cuzzy's Victoria House along with John and Danny Lee, his cousins. Bobby is shown here with son Marley.
Jesse Coghill, poet farmer from Jordan and author of Voices Are Calling, was on hand to sign his books. Mary Moore, Victoria, holds Fr. Elstan Coghill's book, Prints of a Priest.
This chiropractic couple from Chaska (standing) gave free massages to passersby. As soon as I get them identified, I'll put their names in this caption.
James Sweeney of MOM"s Landscaping in Victoria loves his logo -- and his work. His full landscape service accommodates both residential and commercial.
Joyce Windschitl is the corporate loan office of Hometown Mortgage in Chaska, one of the top ten lenders in the State of Minnesota. It was good to see you, Joyce.
Hi, Mayor Mary Meuwissen and Janie Jasin, two of Victoria's favorite blonds. Thank you, Mary, for your generosity and work. Thank you, Janie, for your good words and goodwill.
Laura and Jeff Woods of Victoria created By The Woods for distinctive watergardens -- complete design, installation and maintenance. Welcome to Victoria!
Steve Sarvi, administrator of the City of Victoria, attended the Expo with his handsome family -- wife Barb and children (l-r) Nathan, Mary Kate, and Daniel.
Many young people gave the batting apparatus a workout at the Expo. Thank you, John Linforth and Victoria Lions Fastpitch Association for being part of the day.
At the end of the long but successful Home & Garden Business Expo, there were still smiles on the face of many who participated, including Mary Moore of Victoria and Yours Truly.