The storm that occurred around 3:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 11th, struck our end of the Parkside neighborhood at Schutz Lake here in Victoria especially hard. For the most part, I'll let the pictures tell the story.
The home of Roger and Paula Jackels suffered extreme damage to their kitchen-dining area.
The drive to Jerry and Kim's house was not navigable.
Their master bedroom acquired a new skylight.
Stan and Lynn Gabriel had tree loss in their front yard and back yard.
Stan and son Blake.
The Victoria Fire Department helped remove trees in the boulevard and on our city streets, like this one in front of Al and Jan Velasco's home.
Jan and some of the neighborhood kids found a good seat to keep an eye on all the activity.
Mark and Lori Jesberg found their yard filled with the phenomenal foliage of trees that were ripped apart in the yard of their next door neighbor.
Gregg Geske and his children helped clear the yard of Darel and Sharen.