Tioga Play |
I often say ten days at Tioga because it’s a full day coming and a full day going. |
It seemed like play to me, but it was actually a lot of work for Jenny, who made three delicious meals for six people every day for eight days, and for Christopher and Allan, who renovated the kids’ bathroom from morning to night every day for eight days. |
Addie and Gunnar played horse after supper. |
They are funny kids and good friends. |
At Sunday morning Mass in Tioga, Addie was an altar server. |
After Mass she put out the candles. Father Benny is getting to recognize Jenny’s parents from Minnesota. |
One of Addie’s favorite corners to play is a little nook downstairs under the steps. But she and Gunnar seemed to play well in every corner of the house. |
Every now and then, Chris and Jenny pointed out a Sundog in the sky. I never heard of them before. |
They also play outside a lot. That’s Jenny and Gunnar playing with Goliath, waiting for Addie to join them. |
One of Addie’s birthday presents from Gunnar was an orange saucer. |
Goliath grabs hold of a rope they hold and takes turns pulling them around in the snow. I’m taking pictures from their kitchen window, inside the house where it’s nice and warm. |
Back in the summer of 2010, Addie donated her beautiful long hair to Locks of Love, and it all grew back. She’s talking about doing it again. |
The kids played chess in the evening, so did their mama and their grandma and their daddy, too. |
Apples and chess go well together. |
Grandma Sue likes to help Addie with her homework. Addie just made the Math Team at Tioga Elementary and was chosen to be the Captain. Both kids have a lot of awards on Jenny’s frig. |
I took a picture of the rising sun one morning. It was so pretty and peaceful. |
There’s something special about a sunrise in the country. |
Almost every morning Jenny takes Goliath out for a walk around the farm for his daily duty and exercise. |
We got to have some of Addie’s leftover birthday cake for supper one night. Thank you, Jenny. |
This is where Jenny sits in the morning to keep an eye out for the school bus, which has flashing lights on top that are visible as it comes to the intersection up on Highway 2, one mile away from the farm. |
The bus drives right onto their yard to pick up Addie and Gunnar and go around their turnaround. |
Maybe you remember all the pictures I look last year at this time for my feature story entitled “Like the Klondike.” (It’s online.) Well, there are still man camps and mobile homes everywhere, but also lots of new construction for dozens (hundreds?) of large apartment buildings, hotels, gas stations, and convenience stores. I took this picture about a mile from Jenny’s place. |
On Saturday morning I took Addie and Gunnar to basketball practice (Jenny stayed home to help the guys) and we were about five minutes late because we had to wait for a train. There are lots of trains. |
Addie practiced with the girls for the first hour. |
Gunnar practiced with the boys for the second hour. |
Sometimes I found Jenny’s things in my purse, because our purses are identical. All of Jenny’s Christmas decorations (not the tree) are in those four plastic containers, ready for Christopher to haul them outside. |
I think Gunnar is talking to Goliath, wondering what he’s barking at. |
Jenny tries to lasso like Gunnar does. |
She got it! |
Gunnar is horse crazy, and Addie tries to hitch a ride. |
Gunnar shows Grandma Sue how to hold the rope. |
I tried to imitate the little cowboy. |
And I got it, too! |
The kids kept playing. Addie is wearing her new Uggs, a birthday present from her mom and dad. |
Getting the giggles. |
It was wonderful playing with all four Tioga kids. We left Sunday morning, January 27th, before sunrise. |
Love, Mom and Dad |
Email: Sue@PrintsPublishing.com HomePage: www.PrintsPublishing.com |