More Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:
Many of us look back on our child-hood as a time when we didn't have a worry in the world.  Unfortunately, a large number of Minnesota's children are not having it so easy because they are victims of child abuse and neglect.  There were 16,197 instances of child abuse and neglect reported in Minnesota in 1998, as confirmed by Child Protection reports.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time to reflect on what we are doing as community to support children and families.  Children don't come with instructions, and too many parents face raising their children with-out the knowledge and support they need and deserve.  We all have oppor-tunities to reach out to parents in our own families, neighborhoods, places of worship, and places of employment.
We offer classes for parents and children, ages birth through 5 years to kindergarten.  The summer brochure will be in the mail soon.  Call Kay at 952-556-6225 for more information.
Nancy Dilks, District #112 Early Childhood
Family Education Coordinator

To the Editor:
Enclosed is my payment for another year of The Victoria Gazette.  It's really the neatest news publication around.  When I find it in my mailbox each month, I'm happy and can't wait to sit down and read it - all of it.  Hello to my old friends in the area.  See you next month.
Diana Gramith, Naples, Florida

To the Editor:
Hi, Sue.  The kids enjoyed the ice fishing article by Mike Wartman.  We think everything you write is super.
Jim and Carol Schmidt, Phoenix, Arizona

To the Editor:
Just sending you a check to keep up my subscription for the Gazette.  Enjoy it immensely.  Please cancel my mom's subscription.  She passed away this winter.  Hope you and your family are doing okay this winter.  If you get to Walker, give me a call.
Caroline Hartman, Walker, Minnesota

To the Editor:
Hi, Sue.  I just want to let you know that Margaret and I are fine, and that we have never had any energy blackouts where we live or work.  We don't know when we'll come to Vic-toria again, but we will certainly see more changes in growth and the new paved roads and any new traffic lights.  I keep wondering what Main Street Victoria will eventually look like when it is developed.  Of course, I check for any latest news about that in each Gazette.  So I'll always keep renewing.
David and Margaret Kirsch, Sacramento, California

To the Editor:
Never can find the fishhook, at last not most of the time.  This time I did.  I know it's too late to enter the contest but I thought I'd let you know because I have to send in our money for your paper anyway.  Love the Gazette.  Keep up the good work.
Love, the Schmiegs
Sylvester and Dorleen, LeCenter, Minnesota

To the Editor:
I found the fishhook on page 21 in the Mackenthun's Sausage and Deli ad.  Alfred (Manny) Pierson will be dead ten years now.  He used to go to St. Boni to buy blood sausage.  Thank you.
Leona Pierson, Chaska, Minnesota

To the Editor:
Yes, keep the Gazette coming to me.  Your paper is getting better all the time. Enjoy it a lot.
Mary Segner, Cape Coral, Florida

To the Editor:
You continue to delight me in your heartwarming articles and the news of the Victoria community and other "delicious miscellany."  You have to quit hiding the fishhook so well!  Am having trouble finding it.
Bonnie Fritz, Victoria, Minnesota

To the Editor:
You're getting really sneaky with that fishhook.  Mackenthun's St. Boni s going to develop Meat and Sausage Elbow.  Thanks for a great paper - as always.
Shirley Schuster, Carver, Minnesota

To the Editor:
Thanks for all the time and energy you put into the Gazette.  It's totally worth it.
Darlene and Jerome Williams, Victoria, Minnesota


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