"IT IS NOT EQUITABLE" FOR VICTORIA OTHERS GET PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND BALLFIELDS Four members of the Victoria Lions Fastpitch Association (VLFA) introduced themselves and their organization to Victoria councilmembers at a workshop on March 22nd and received the city's blessing to administer two programs involving girls' fastpitch softball. Those programs are travel softball and recreation (in-house) softball. Other athletic groups in town include the Victoria Athletic Association for boys' baseball, an adult slowpitch league that includes about 24 teams, and an adult amateur baseball team. None of the above groups are owned or operated by the City of Victoria, but the city provides ballfields and some funding when necessary or appropriate. Advised Mary Saarion, Parks & Rec Director, "It is advan-tageous for cities to own equipment and broker it out. Right now there are five pitching machines somewhere in the city." She added that there will be a continuing need for ballfields, and that the VLFA and VAA are restricting enrollment because of lack of space. Mayor Mary asked if there were not school district fields that Victoria kids could use since Victoria taxpayers helped pay for those fields. Most of District #112's schools, and the ballparks that go with schools, lie in Chaska. Others are located in Chanhassen. "It is not equi-table for Victoria," said the mayor. "If there are eight schools in the district, our Victoria taxpayers have paid for one entire school." To supplement its Lions Park, the City of Victoria purchased 40 acres a couple years ago for ballfields and other athletic programs to the tune of $1.2 million. Much more is required to build and maintain facilities.
PARKS DIRECTOR MOVES AT FULL SPEED MAKES APPLICATION FOR $713,750 Mary Saarion, Victoria's Director of Parks and Recreation, was authorized to apply to the Department of Natural Resources for a grant in the amount of $713,750. This grant, if awarded, would assist the city in the development of the new community park for which the city purchased land in 1998. Grant application had to be made before March 31st. Awarding of monies occurs in July. "This is a 50/50 grant," said Mary. "The city would have to pay an equal amount of $713,750 for project develop-ment. This is a federally funded grant through the DNR. It is not for land acqui-sition, but land development. It will be a very well-developed park. All develop-ment would have to be completed by June of 2003. The park needs to remain a park forever and ever and ever if you accept federal funds. The ice arena and parking for it are not qualifying for this grant. I don't believe you've received a grant before." The grant would help build one base-ball field, four softball fields, one soccer field, two multi-purpose fields, two picnic shelters, trails, playground, parking lots for the athletic fields, and two fenced tennis courts with multi-purpose hard court for basketball. Said Director Mary, "Work will begin whether we get the grant or not. Lighting may have to be curtailed if we don't get the grant." Councilmembers commended the new Parks Director for her excellent work and presentation. Said Mayor Mary about Victoria being one of the grant applicants, "At least we're in the game, and that's better than not being in the game. Thanks, Mary, for getting us in the game!"
NO DRINKING IN THE LIQUOR STORE IT VIOLATES LOCAL AND STATE ORDINANCES The City of Victoria was compelled to deal with incidents at the Hi-5 Liquor Store in Victoria because the city is the licensing authority for the establishment. Charles Daisy, owner of the store, has been found to be working while intoxicat-ed. Local and state ordinances have there-fore been violated. Mr. Daisy attended the March 22nd council meeting and spoke at the podium. "I work 99% of the hours," he said. "It was difficult for me to find someone to work so that I could be here. I'd like to start by apologizing to you. Unfortunately I have a disease, alcoholism. Unlike cancer and other diseases, you can't go to a doctor for this. At my AA meetings, I've been told this may have been a bless-ing in disguise. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom for things to turn around. I hit rock bottom March 9th." Continued Mr. Daisy, "My disease is not curable, but it can be put in remission. My grandfather put it into remission for the last 42 years of his life. I have put the liquor store up for sale. There should be a signed purchase agreement soon. I apolo-gize for my actions and beg your forgive-ness. I ask that you let me run the place for the next few weeks until it's sold." Mayor Mary made a motion to have city staff set up random testing with the sheriff's department to assure the public that Mr. Daisy is not consuming liquor on the premises, and that if he is found to have consumed liquor, there will be an immediate revocation of his license. The motion passed 5-0. Stated Councilmember Dave Lind-gren to Mr. Daisy, "It took a lot of guts to come in here and say what you did."
MAJOR RENOVATION FOR FLOYD'S FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR OF BUILDING Rick Plocher and Lois Melcher received a variance on March 22nd to per-mit a front yard setback of 8 feet instead of the required 20 feet in order to allow for new construction of additional space to accommodate interior storage at Floyd's Bar in Victoria. At the same time, the building will be receiving major renovation and substantial improvement both inside and outside. City Planner Mark Kaltsas said that the entire building, formerly known as Leo's, located at the stoplight in down-town Victoria, will receive new siding and the facade will be reconstructed. There will be new handicapped-accessible rest-room facilities and front entry to the establishment. There will also be a four-season porch and new landscaping. Mark said that the request is consistent with the city's downtown design standards. Approximate size of the addition is 1,500 square feet. The existing building is approximately 1,500 square feet.
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