Family and friends of Kyle Wall of Victoria worked with him on the new landscape project at the Welcome to Victoria Monument, helping Kyle earn his Eagle Scout badge. Left to right: Josh Goergen, Kyle Wall, Russ Wall, Caleb Talbert, Aaron Albani, Jean Wall, and Colleen Albani.
Overtime Shootout for 1st Place. We won a tournament in Duluth this summer and were hoping to get a picture in the Gazette. On June 24th the Chaska CC United U11C2 Girls Soccer Team defeated White Bear Lake in an overtime shootout for 1st Place in the Lake Superior Open. All of the players and coaches live in Chanhassen, Chaska, and Victoria. It's an 11-year old girls soccer team. Front (l-r): Sydney McClure, Allie Reineke, Rachel Urick, Natalie Frier, Michaela Wahl, Pete Sattervall of Victoria. Second row: Kati Hromatka, Bridgette Grobe of Victoria, Caitlin Reilly, Ellie Knowles, Morgan Fogarty, Jessie Berry, Megan Sattervall of Victoria. Back: Paul Grobe of Victoria, Ashley Costello, Maren Thompson. Pete Sattervall, Victoria, Minnesota
California Wedding. If you are looking for photos for an upcoming issue of the Gazette, attached is a picture of our son Eric Moja and his new bride Kathleen Bunker Moja. They were married June 23rd in Moraga, California. Eric's father Jerry Moja (a member of the Victoria Parks & Recreation Commit-tee) and his mother (yours truly, Kim Roden, of the Victoria City Council) are very proud. They honey-mooned in Italy. Eric works for IBM in Concord, CA, and his bride Katy works for Franklin Temple-ton, also in California. Kim Roden, Victoria, Minnesota
Nationals are Next! The Chaska U12B Traveling Fastpitch team took 2nd place in the State Tournament. The team will wrap up their exciting season with a trip to the National Tournament in Eagan. Front (l-r): Allison O'Brien, Ashley Entinger, Bailey Forcier of Victoria, Shelby Goff. Back: Coach Jeff Zahn, Lauren Aase, Amy Marroquin, Jill Entinger, Hannah Anderson, Audrey Heit-kamp of Victoria, Emily Zahn, Jessica Paschke, Coach Ron Entinger. The Entinger girls are Donna (Tom) Schneider's granddaughters. Judy Forcier Victoria, Minnesota
National Girls. Seven gymnasts from Classic Gymnastics Rec Team traveled to Tampa, Florida, to compete in the AAU National Competition on July 7th. The girls did an awesome job and had a great time competing with gymnasts from several states. Medals were won for several placements by each of the girls. Front (l-r): Leah Kutsch of Victoria, Holly Thomas, Ashley Livermore, Sara Nagengast, Elise deBie. Back: Danielle Magnuson, Coach Sara Gumke, Kalley West. Angela Magnuson Chaska, Minnesota
District 112 Champs. This is the School District 112 Beckman Coulter baseball team, made up of 9 and 10-year olds, who ended the season as the 1st Place Pool D Champions. Beckman Coulter is a medical company in Chaska/Chanhassen that is our specific team sponsor. The team played against other District 112 teams (in-house local). They won three out of four games in the last week, including an extra inning (7th) in the championship game on Saturday, June 21st, by scoring four runs in the bottom inning and scoring the last two runs with two outs - two hours and 45 minutes later!! Front (l-r): Rob Owens of Victoria, Mitchell Wick-enhauser, Kyle Wurm, Mil Harrison, Ryan Thomas of Victoria, Nathan Schultenover of Victoria. Back: Coach Tom Owens of Victoria, Brendan Hagen, Matt Cerjance, Levi Roth, Maxon Hutton of Victoria, Craig Parker of Victoria, Coach Jason Thomas of Victoria. Not pictured: Dacohta Camp and Jack Wormuth of Victoria. Tom Owens Victoria, Minnesota
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