City Scoop Continued: 

Victoria City Councilmembers and Staff were notified in late January that no snowmobiles will be allowed on the old railroad bed that runs through Victoria.  Authority for that trail use lies with the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority - not the City of Victoria, not Three Rivers Park District, not Carver County.
Every winter for some years, there have been some complaints about snow-mobilers crossing private yards and making unwelcome noise on public trails at unwelcome hours next to the LRT and other areas of Victoria as well.  The Victoria City Council has been discussing the problem, reviewing complaints, and considering how it might rule on the use of snowmobiles in Victoria.
Victoria City Administrator Dave Urbia will be calling staff meetings to review the city's current ordinance and review alternatives and proposed changes if necessary, as it relates to the new fact that snowmobiles will not be allowed on the LRT trail after the 2005-2006 winter season.
In Victoria the LRT trail crosses Rolling Acres Road, Park Drive, and runs through downtown Victoria where snowmobilers have been known to bring business to bars and restaurants.
The following communication was written by Kristy Mock, Victoria Parks and Recreation Supervisor, and emailed to Victoria City Administrator Dave Urbia, Victoria City Councilmembers, City Staff.
"I have just talked with the Three Rivers Park District.  The Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority actually owns the rail corridor, and they dictate the uses.  They have decided that, as of the end of the winter trail use per-mits in 2006, snowmobiles will no longer be allowed on the LRT trail.
"So I believe this portion of our study is now finished, as the decision has been made by the appropriate authority.  Any-one with questions or concerns may con-tact the Hennepin County Regional Rail-road Authority.
"The Three Rivers Park District has no plans on closing their trails.  My con-cern with some of the complaints we have been getting from near that area, may be that residents do not understand that there is a county road right-of-way, and many of these snowmobilers use that and may not actually be on private property."


*Victoria councilmembers agreed to give the Victoria Chamber of Commerce $1,335 to advertise its upcoming Business Expo.  Chamber Director Jennifer Chap-man explained that the advertising would also help promote the Victoria Field House, which is where the Expo is scheduled to be held on Saturday, April 22nd.  It was pointed out that Minnesota State Statute allows cities to expend funds to advertise and promote the resources and advantages of the community.
*The construction along Highway 5 in Victoria and down the way toward Chanhassen is related to Northern Natural Gas laying a gas line that will provide looping in the region, according to City Planner Eric Zweber.
*The substantial completion date of Lift Station B is June 1st, 2006, when it should be placed into operation.  Lift Sta-tion B is located on County Road 43 by Lake Wasserman.  The City of Victoria obtained an easement from Waterbrooke Fellowship to locate the lift station on that site.  The City of Victoria is paying for the lift station from the Sewer Core Fund.  The Sewer Core Fund receives fees when there is new development or new connections to the sewer.  Final comple-tion date is June 15th, 2006, and includes grading and turf establishment.  Total cost of the project is $495,147. 
*Rental fees to use the Acorn House and the Picnic Shelters in Victoria have been increased but not substantially.  Residential use has gone from $21.30 to $27 per day.  Use for nonresidents has gone from $53.25 to $59 per day.  Non-profit groups receive one free reservation per month and will be charged $15 for additional reservations, which they can donate back to the city in the form of community service if they choose. 
*The City of Victoria received a divi-dend check in the amount of $13,387 from the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust.  The city's 2005 insurance premi-ums to the LMCIT totaled $91,022.24 and includes property, casualty, and workers compensation
*Upon the resignation of Public Works Worker Keith Cooper, council-members approved the advertisement to fill that position.
*Councilmembers authorized Interim City Administrator Dave Urbia to attend a midwinter professional development sem-inar at Northland College in Grand Forks.
*Councilmembers authorized con-sulting services of Riley, Dettmann & Kelsey to update the classification and compensation plan for the 15 employee positions in the City of Victoria.  The con-sulting fee to work on the pay equity program is approximately $9,000.