More Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:
I found the letter in last month's paper by Alonzo Schniden to be quite interesting.  So much so that I tried to contact him, but my search was unsuccessful in Holdingford, MN, or was it Holdingford, MT?  So I hope you'll print my letter in your June issue with the hope that Mr. Schniden will "happen upon another issue."
My first comment is on the length of time Mr. Schniden must have been in the restroom in order to read the entire Victoria Gazette.  I know of no other who, by nature, possesses that degree of self-tolerance, or self-indulgence.  Surely anyone who bears that much stamina is also gifted with the literacy to share a few of his own "personal favorite" quotes or words of wisdom that would challenge the philosophical depths of Victoria's favorite sources.
Secondly, he woefully confessed to not being a subscriber to the Gazette but assumed his network of friends would continue to be a plausible second-hand resource for his entertainment.  Apparent-ly thriftiness thrives in the Holdingford culture, not only by multiples of $10, but by sitting in another's restroom for the duration of reading an entire newspaper.  I only hope he was really reading it, since the quality of the Victoria Gazette is in its news, not in the texture of the paper.
As a segue for my next point, again my search for Mr. Schniden's native town of Twin Buttes, ND, led to a dead end.  Perhaps it was an imaginative childhood fantasy as he looked east across the North Dakota line, and saw twin butts in a flower garden.  No need to get excited, Mr. Schniden; they're made of wood.
In closing my critique of what I believe is a suspicious character, this so-called Mr. Schniden, I would encourage him to journey to Victoria for the well-known annual Touch of Bavaria celebration.  I think he would find social stimulation there with the German rabble of Victoria, as I did in 1998.  He's certain to come away with a litany of quotes that would tame any preacher's Sunday morning provocation.  I do hope he visits his friend in St. Cloud again, in order to read my letter.
Ms. Orsen, as a distance relative to Victoria, I want to thank you for the interesting news that your paper continually shares with its readers.  Home town is always small town, no matter what the population, and you can quote me.
Mr. H. Leez
Floodwood, Minnesota

To the Editor:
As future residents who are anxiously excited about moving to Victoria, a charming small community, we write you with many concerns.
With much legwork and many hours of diligent pursuit, my family finally found the small town atmosphere we had been dreaming of.  Victoria is where we will build our dream house and begin a new chapter of our lives that has not come without years of hard work and sacrifice.
On Tuesday, May 2nd, we were jolted into reality, this reality being that our dreams and investment in our future could very well be derailed by a proposed orphanage that would be directly adjacent to our home.
After reading in that day's Minneapolis Star Tribune that Mayor Mary Meuwissen had invited this proposed institution into our neighborhood, we realized we must know more, much more.  The deeper we dug, the more questions and concerns we unearthed.
Our letter to Mary Jo Copeland (5/16/01) speaks to many of the questions and concerns we have.  Why couldn't the Copelands build on land that would not affect existing property owners?  This way they would have time to establish a track record and allow individuals to subsequently choose whether they wish to become neighbors.  This is only fair, and speaks to the common good and common sense.
Why is this any different than requesting a permanent water ski course on a lake?  The water ski proposal was rejected because, among other things, it impacted the neighbors and they objected.  Why not afford the same respect for the landlocked? 
I wish the mayor and council would advocate on behalf of more pressing and less controversial proposals like bringing business, jobs, senior housing, and important city infrastructure to the community.
We would appreciate your thoughtful consideration of our concerns.
Mark and Mary Kelly
Chaska, Minnesota

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