Under the Tuscan Sun by Sue Orsen. "We were under the Tuscan Sun and much of the time we were trying to step out of it and into the shade. The Tuscan Sun was very hot and the Tuscan Sky was very blue …" Click on Front Page. Rockin with John Michael by Tom Stumpf, Victoria Cowboy Correspondent. "At first the cowboy was a tad skeptical. Contemporary and Christian didn't make a good combination in my thick skull. But for what it's worth, the whole concert experience with John Michael Talbot got a two-thumbs up, from yours truly …:" Leo the Icon by Mike Wartman, Former Resident of Victoria. "As far as Victoria goes, the landmarks keep falling. Most of Main Street is not what it used to be and I am not even sure we call it Main Street anymore. The Leo's Bar Landmark is gone and replaced by friendly Floyd's. And now Leo Schneider is gone as well …" Leo F. Schneider, 79, died on Sunday, October 8th, 2006, at Ridgeview Medical Center … A Dream Come True by Steve Sarvi in Iraq, Victoria City Administrator. "Construction began yesterday on an addition the school of this one village here, as well as repairs to the missing roof over the old classrooms. No referendum was needed, no building plans to be reviewed …" In Love with the Long Ball by Tom Abts, Deer Run Golf Pro. "Contrary to the title of this column, I'm not in love with the long ball. Sure, I like to hit a big tee shot, but I seldom go after it very hard. It's just not worth the risk. As Harvey Penick said, 'The woods are full of long drivers' …" Locks of Love from Alexa and Lauren by Wendy Bosch, Resident of Victoria. "My daughter Alexa and her friend Lauren Ruegg have been growing out their hair in order to donate it to Locks of Love. It is interesting to know that it takes from 6 to 10 separate donations (pony tails) to make one wig for a financially disadvantaged child suffering long-term hair loss …" Numbers by Pastor Thomas Braun, Christ Victorious Lutheran Church. "Many times each day we deal with numbers. The most important number is the number of people that God does not want with Him in heaven. The answer of course if zero …" Carver County Comments by Gary Delaney, Victoria, Carver County Commissioner. "One highlight of my term occurred the day I received a phone call from the University of MN Department of the Hubert Humphrey Institute of Government. They asked if I'd give a lecture on Minnesota county Government … " 20 Years Ago the Gazette featured the Victoria Lions in "It's Grand to be on Hand." 10 Years Ago the Gazette featured Carver County Sheriff Al Wallin and his wife Sharon in "At the Doorway …"