Leif Unleashed by Sue Orsen. "Every moment was a matter of life and death. A set of natural triplets was being born. It was March of 1999. Leif is the survivor. His brothers died after two months
" Wild About Game by Mike Wartman, Former Resident of Victoria. "The prep work for the Venison Dianne Crepes recipe I was making was already underway with a Dry Sherry serving as a marinade. Suddenly I realized the presence of ghosts of my hunting teachers, or mentors -- notably my father Euch Wartman, Uncles Rich and George
" Tattered and Yellowed by Sue Orsen. "In cleaning out some of my files a couple weeks ago here in the office of the Victoria Gazette, I came across a tattered and yellowed issue of The Minneapolis Star dated Tuesday, March 31st, 1936
" Victoria Would be Crippled Without the Railroad, 1936. "Dismemberment of the Minneapolis & St. Louis railroad carries with it a threat to the very existence of this rural community of 250 population
" A Swedish Saga by Ron Holtmeier, Resident of Victoria. "Jon Hermelin was perplexed. He was at Reykajvik International Airport in Iceland and was missing one of his 'flock' of 27. The flight to Minneaplis-St. Paul International Airport was about to take off and Sven Lindfors, 89, was missing
" Joy is Everywhere by Thom Derr, Rough Rider. "Occasionally there is a song that sticks in your head and it is difficult to move on to something else. Since the Harley Babe and I both sing in the choir
" Gerald L. Olson, 73, of Victoria died October 2nd. Gay Davies Kahl, 75, of Chaska died October 5th. Richard Neil Notermann, 75 of Rochester, died October 23rd. Treading with Blackwater by Ethel Ausink, Senior Citizens Reporter. "In the news of late we have heard of the Blackwater militia who have been fighting the terrorists in Iraq. The Iraqi government is investigating this group, claiming the Blackwater gunmen needlessly killed 17 Iraqis
" A Beautiful Day by Mary Hadaway, Victoria Chamber of Commerce. "With the absolutely beautiful weather that Victoria enjoyed on Saturday, September 22nd, Volksfest 2007 was a great success
" At the Victoria Elementary School: Five Star Restaurants by Julie Kiefer, Victoria Resident and Parent. "Have you ever heard of a five-star restaurant with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as its main entrιe?
Bessie J. Hounddog by Tom Stump, Victoria Cowboy Correspondent. Certain times of the year seem to always invoke special memories. For the cowboy, November brings back a collage of hunting memories, that being the month when serious pheasant rooster hunting takes place
" Good Luck, Troy by Tom Abts, Deer Run Golf Pro. "For us at Deer Run Golf Club, the golf season is coming to an end. For Troy Malo, the season is just beginning. Troy was hired to be the new Head Golf Pro at Pebble Creek
" Who's in Control? by Tom Gray, Victoria Building Official. "As it sits now, Victoria is composed of 9+ square miles of Carver County's rolling hills and dales. While one would think that the city would govern within its borders, this is not fully true
" Making Substantial Progress by Mayor Mary Thun, City of Victoria. "At the recent council meeting on October 25th, City Administrator Steve Sarvi reviewed the progress on the six strategic goals identified earlier this year by Council for 2007
" Reflecting on the Blessings of Today by Pastor Frank Jones, Lake Auburn Moravian Church. "I hope this year, at this time of thanks, that everyone will reflect on the blessings we enjoy and offer whatever resources and responses we can for the benefit of someone else
" The Hemisfair by Marlene Paal, Resident of Chaska, MN. "After reading about your trip to San Antonio, Texas, in the October issue of the Gazette, I have to tell you about the 1968 Hemisfair, of which you said, 'whatever that was'
" 20 Years Ago the Gazette featured Oleda Gregory in "Oleda's Story." Oleda and her late husband Frank Gregory purchased 60 acres of the old Salter farm in Victoria
" 10 Years Ago the Gazette featured Jesse Coghill in "Voices Are Calling," which is the name of a book published this month by Sue Orsen and Prints Publishing
" At Holy Family Catholic High School: Boys' and Girls' Section Champs by Jim Kappel, Head Coach. "Our cross country teams came away with boys' and girls' section titles
" No Man is an Island by Pastor Thomas Braun, Christ Victorious Lutheran Church. "A couple of weeks ago I read with interest about the only survivor of a shipwreck who was washed up on a small uninhabited island