Return of the Jedi by Sue Orsen. "When it comes to the candidates who have filed for the Victoria City Council this fall, one might be tempted to call it the Return of the Jedi Knights. Each of the three Victoria residents who filed for city office have previously served on the Victoria City Council …" Click on Front Page. Code Corner: Food on a Stick by Tom Gray, Victoria Building Official. "For the first time in 15 years, I went to the State Fair, not as a consumer of food on a stick, but rather as a volunteer at the Governor's Fire Prevention Day …" Wash and Dry by Thom Derr, Rough Rider. "The last rally for the Harley Babe and me has passed and, in a word, it could best be described as wet. Oh well, you can't win them all and, as they say, we're not made of sugar so we didn't melt …" Vote for Freedom by Ethel Ausink, Senior Citizen Reporter. " Our Founding Fathers came to America to escape Kingdom rule and create a free society. It was during that time in American history that the United States became the most advanced, prosperous, healthy, happy place on earth …" The Bottom Line by Mayor Jerry Bohn, City of Victoria. "Over the last several weeks, there have been many comments -- some rumors, some fact -- about what the City of Victoria plans to do with our Field House. It is true that Victoria is exploring partnerships with other groups to offer services …" Obituaries. Jane Chapman, 48, of Victoria died Tuesday, September 12th, 2006. Russell Schmid, 82, died September 3rd. Grandparents' Day by Pastor Thomas Braun, Christ Victorious Lutheran Church. "A few years ago the Sunday School Department of another Lutheran Church advetised that on the last Sunday of September, it would be Grandparents Visitation Sunday …" Chamber's Channel by Jennifer Chapman, Director, Victoria Chamber of Commerce. "Family activities, bingo, music, food, and drink combined to make the second annual Victoria Volksfest a huge success. Hundreds gathered along Stieger Lake Lane in downtown Victoria on Saturday, September 23rd …"
Autumn Thievery in Victoria by Mike Wartman, Former Resident of Victoria. "Something in October triggered a reflex or a need or a desire for Victoria kids to go out and steal things. It may have been something started by stealing Waconia girls from Waconia …" And Wisconsin, Too! by Tom Stumpf, Victoria Cowboy Correspondent. "I heard a new reporter ask a visiting dignitary of some sort, how they liked our Minnesota Nice. The answer was pretty much pleasant but if one looked very carefully, you could have noticed a little mental eye rolling …" Club Fitting by Tom Abts, Deer Run Golf Pro. "Is there a science to club fitting? Many people believe so. But is this really a science and does it work? Well, I'm pretty skeptical …" From the Lions Den by Al Liestman, President, Victoria Lions Club. "We need all active Lions and interested community members to attend our meetings. We have committed to help the youth in our community and we have a budget to raise funds …" Soldiers Through History by Steve Sarvi, Victoria City Administrator in Iraq. "The very important mission of rebuilding Iraq is well underway, thanks to the efforts of our Brigade. We've helped to create the conditions where the Iraqis can choose their future for themselves. There's still much to do …" Half Full or Half Empty by Mary Leizinger, Victoria Realtor. "Today's headlines are full of news stories about the pullback in the real estate market. In the Twin Cities metro area, it would now take more than seven months to sell the existing inventory of listed homes if no new homes were listed at the current pace of sales …" Home Alone by Pastor Frank Jones, Lake Auburn Moravian Church. "One evening on a vacation almost two decades ago, my wife made the fateful decision to call home. I think she was secretly hoping that there would be one, a home, still standing after our 20-something son was home alone that week …" Victoria Volksfest Photos by Sue Orsen. Among the several local business people working their booths and making the rounds …" 20 Years Ago the Gazette featured city council candidates in "Time to Sample the Brew …" 10 Years Ago the Gazette featured city council candidates in "Connecting with the Candidates …"