Summer Storm of 2007 by Sue Orsen. "The place is serene and tranquil, where sheep and cows grazed for a century by the lake and in nearby pastureland, and then where new homes were built and carefully nestled into the landscape about 35 years ago …" Click on Front Page. Sheriff's Shingle by Sheriff Bud Olson, Carver County, MN. "In 2006, the state tallied a record low number of alcohol related traffic deaths, 166; however, a record high 41,832 motorists were arrested for DWI. In Carver County there were two impaired driving deaths and 430 DWIs in 2006 …" 100 Grand Years by Sue Orsen. "KleinBank has been celebrating its 100-year history in a grand way, including a grand three-day Open House during August and grand prize giveaways, not to mention grand chocolate marble cake and free gifts for anybody who stopped by …" Angels on the Road by Thom Derr, Rough Rider. "The Harley Babe and I began our trip home and coming west across Massachusetts we got separated for about an hour. On a lonely stretch of road in upstate New York we stopped to get our bearings and find a place to spend the night …" Treasure Islands by Pastor Thomas Braun, Christ Victorious Lutheran Church. "A few years ago another pastor related an interesting story about a group of young men who broke into a hardware store. They didn't take a single item. Instead they rearranged the price tags … " Victoria Lions Really Serve by Mayor Mary Thun, City of Victoria. "They've done it again -- the Victoria Lions Club. The Lions are stepping up to the plate, literally, and are donating more funds to the City of Victoria. This latest donation will include relocating bleachers in Lions Park, acquiring new elevated bleachers, and providing the concrete slabs upon which the bleachers will sit …" Monkey See Monkey Do? by Ethel Ausink, Senior Citizens Reporter. "The theory of evolution has led, and allows, judges to 'discover' new rights such as the right to abortion or the right to kill people no longer deemed useful … Adolf Hitler was a devout evolutionist. He applied these ideas and taught them to his troops …" Wilbert "Bert" Schmieg, 74, died Friday, August 3rd … Nancy Delin, 64, died Saturday, August 18th … Darel Geske, 69, died Monday, August 27th …
Underground Parking by Mike Wartman, Former Resident of Victoria. "The imminent cremation or crushing of the Creamery is bound to demolish yet another Victoria landmark of old. Why, oh why, does it have to fall to the wrecking ball for an underground parking lot and other stuff?" Do You Have Power? by Pastor Frank Jones, Lake Auburn Moravian Church. "Our lights went out very early Saturday morning, August 11th, and after the CRACK, the poor cats had to be talked off the ceiling …" From Holy to Hootenanny! by Sue Orsen. "It's been going on all year and it's probably not over. The latest event in celebration of the 150-year history of the St. Victoria Catholic Church occurred Saturday evening, August 18th, as part of the parish's Tenth Annual Sunset Fest. Honored guest and presider was Archbishop Harry Flynn …" My Little Deuce Coupe by Tom Stumpf, Cowboy Correspondent. "Has anyone out there in Gazetteland noticed how many different models of automobiles there are in today's market? Anyone besides yours truly, that is. Back when the Cowboy was a buckaroo …" Old Fashioned Golf by Tom Abts, Deer Run Golf Club. "I am not a real modern guy, but I will admit that technology has improved golf equipment. The new big-headed drivers are much easier to hit than the old wooden ones …" The Clicking Camera by Sue Orsen. "Some people can't stop taking pictures, especially when all the pictures laid around and stared at me from every direction. One area of destruction in our yard seemed worse than the next …" The Cleanup Crew by Sue Orsen. "By next spring it should look pretty good again around here, maybe better than before Nature's drastic pruning. I'm kind of excited about all that blue sky I now get to see from our kitchen window …" Twenty Years Ago the Gazette featured Father Robert Schmieg, OFM, in "Life is a Jungle." For 30 years Father Robert has been a Franciscan priest. For 29 of those 30 year he has lived and worked in the jungle of Brazil near the Amazon River …" Ten years Ago the Gazette featured Father Robert Schmieg, OFM, in "Through the Eyes of Poverty." In 1944 Father Robert entered the seminary and escaped the poverty of the farm, only to choose to live among the poor elsewhere. He took the vow of poverty, only to help bring others out of poverty …"