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Front Page

Feature Story

From the





to the Editor




Line & Sinker


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The Scoop

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The Victoria


To the Editor:

         Hi, Sue.  Love the Gazette.  A way to keep up on all my relatives in Victoria.  My mother was Helen Diethelm.  Thanks.

         Harry Bongard

         Eden Prairie, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         We loved the pictures of Kierra and the 40th birthday spread in your March issue.  Can't hide my age now!!


         Michelle McNallan

         Chanhassen, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         Many thanks for sending the Gazette.  I enjoy reading it.  If I ever win the Hook Line & Sinker contest, send my winnings to Father Conran, a wonderful priest who does so much for people.  God bless.

         Marcy Jaspers

         Chaska, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         Sure do enjoy your Gazette.  Keep up the nice pictures, and I enjoy all your columns.  Thank you.  Found the fishhook on page 27 in the helmet of the boy playing hockey.  Pretty tricky.

         Carol Maas

         St. Bonifacius, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         This letter is addressed to parishioners, associates, school parents, staff, alumni, friends of GA, and civic leaders in Carver County.

         You are invited to one of three informational meetings regarding the preservation of our community's most visible landmark.  Most of the approaches to our river valley's historic settlements in Chaska and Carver pass by the soaring steeple of the Guardian Angels Catholic Church.  It would truly be a loss not only to our parish and school, but to the Carver County community at large if the current degradation of the structure's "brick skin" were allowed to continue. 

         Restoring the structure is key to maintaining GA's presence in its current location.  Whereas much traffic passes through Chaska, not nearly enough traffic is destined for our downtown community.  One bright spot is the traffic congestion around Guardian Angels throughout the week.  Our efforts are meant to keep both GA and our community vital. 

         The meetings are scheduled for Monday, April 11th (7 to 8:30 p.m.), Saturday, April 16th (9 to 10:30 a.m.), Monday, April 18th (7 to 8:30 p.m.).  They will all be held in the church.

         Father Paul Jarvis

         Guardian Angels Catholic Church

         Chaska, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         I so enjoy receiving your interesting Gazette every month and certainly want to continue.  I loved your stories about the sculpture for your church, your travel chronicles, and keeping up on the latest happenings with your lovely family.  I appreciate your imaginative but yet common-sense style. We just returned from a wonderful trip to Italy and Greece.  The world is so fun to explore.  Our daughter recently moved to Rosemount.  We'll check out the Victoria area some time. 

         With love and blessings,

         Your Cousin Judy Novotny

         Winona, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         I am a senior journalism major at Concordia College in Moorhead.  I am looking for some summer part-time work or internship opportunities in the Twin Cities area this summer and was wondering if your publication offered any?

         I am originally from Shakopee and graduated from Shakopee High School with honors in 2008.  I will graduate with Credo Honors from Concordia this coming May.  This spring I worked as a copy editor for a student literary journal on campus, working both as an individual editor and a member of a team.

         During the summer I am a dispatcher at Valleyfair amusement park.  The past two summers at Valleyfair have given me many skills in administration, organization, and multi-tasking.  I am very excited to get into the journalism field, and I hope you will let me know of any opportunities that arise.  Thank you for your time.

         Melissa Marohl

         Moorhead, Minnesota


Click here for more letters.

Sue’s Album

A symphony of photos

and fewer than a thousand words


April 2011

Text Box: Letters continued