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At theaters in March, The Shack was an outstanding movie with unusual vision, creativity, and emotion. I was particularly impressed with the portrayal of the Triune God. Of course poetic license was taken -- it could not otherwise be -- and it gave me another perspective on Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Shack also helps answer the question of how could a good and loving God allow such evil in the world. *** Once again I am overwhelmed by the tremendous response to my subscription envelopes for the Gazette. Thank you for your kindness and recognition that nothing is really free. Your voluntary response increases my faith in humanity during these topsy-turvy times. I'll keep filling these pages for you. *** It was good to see Former Mayor Tom O'Connor, Former Councilmember Gordy Simanton, and Former Mayor Mary Meuwissen at the city council meeting on March 27th. Their presence in the audience reminded me of good days gone by. They too can hardly believe the toxic atmosphere that has invaded Victoria. *** The new Beauty and the Beast, which we also saw in March, was an engaging remake of a classic movie that I've always liked, including the animated version. I do have to say this Beast was the most grisly and gruesome of all. The remake also exhibited more action adventure and stupendous stunts than the others, and was brought to even greater life because of the 3D experience. Finally, I enjoy being reassured that the good guys always win, if not in this life then in the next. *** When Victoria city councilmembers were attacked with anonymous accusations in 2013 and then got sued in 2014, the Open Meeting Law became front and center. Can you believe I had been attending and reporting on city council meetings for over 35 years and had not read it? It's true. Who besides a lawyer purposefully reads such formal jargon and legalese? But the judge in her ruling last year said the Open Meeting Law is clearly written and easy to understand, so I googled to find it. She was right. It is unambiguous. Closed city council meetings must be recorded and not just minutes taken. This told me there is a vital piece of missing information regarding the lawsuit. So when I saw Tom O'Connor last week, I asked if he had read the Open Meeting Law prior to the lawsuit. He said, no, that he had relied on the city attorney for such things. Just like me. Except it took me 37 years and Tom only 8 years to read it. The vital piece of information? It is not possible to intentionally violate a law you're not familiar with. Someone should inform the judge. *** You may have read here that I'm also a fan of old movies, many of which appear on the Turner Classic Movie channel. And so when Robert Osborne died on March 6th, 2017, I felt that a friend of mine died. Robert Osborne introduced all the old black and whites on TCM -- most of them made before I was born -- and he told us details about them that we might otherwise not know. Movies were his passion. He knew film history and many of the actors. He was 84 years old. I had observed him getting thinner and had wondered about his health. He was a man of manners, and I enjoyed having him in my office on a regular basis. Thank you, Robert Osborne, for enriching my life. *** After nearly 70 years on the home place near Ghent, where they've raised kids and crops and garden vegetables and chickens, and contributed to the greater society in many other ways, my parents have moved to Boulder Estates in nearby Marshall. It's an assisted living community where residents order meals from a menu, get their laundry and sheets done every week, and keep busy with visitors and church and activities. Says Dad, "It's kind of an adventure." His stories make me laugh outloud. As he says, "Old people do all kinds of funny things." In any case, Mom and Dad are making a home of their lovely apartment and driving out to the farm every few days to pick up something. It's an interesting way to work into the new chapter of their life. The next time I go home, we will drive with them out to the farm and walk through the house, still furnished like always. I will see with new eyes and also with sentiments I haven't had until now. *** In the meantime, we put away our boots and mittens and woolen scarves for a while. I remember when my babies were little that I appreciated being able to leave the house without blankets and snowsuits. Did I ever tell you about the time we had to walk down our long road (called 73rd Street today) carrying Baby Jenny and groceries and I stepped out of one of my boots in the deep snow but made it safely to our house without it? It was just after Valentines Day 1972. |
From the Editor |
Dedicated to the sunshine of truth, the moonshine of meeting deadlines, and the starshine of Victoria. |
The Victoria GAZETTE |
Sue’s Album A symphony of photos and fewer than a thousand words at www.VictoriaGazette.com |
April 2017 |