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Front Page

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Letters Continued

Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

To the Editor:

         What is going on with the weather? 

         Record ice and snow storms, thunderstorms stretching from Texas to Connecticut.  Hurricanes slamming into the East Coast.  Earthquakes leveling entire regions, not just cities.  Now some people would like to cite Biblical reference as these are signs of the end times, while others argue these are the pangs of "global warming."  Which is it? 
While neither is entirely true, neither is entirely completely false either.

         We stand at a point in time where our population and economic growth have the means and the potential to either entirely destroy the world in which we live, or to sustain and even build up this world into the idyllic paradise it could be for all peoples and all things.

         However, in living in a disposable society, where people and goods are routinely bought, sold, and swapped on a daily basis, the choices we have made collectively as a society prove our intentions. 

         So what exactly is happening with the weather?  Quite frankly, nature is fighting back, struggling to push the perfect natural order that man stymied, back into place.  And, just like with any fight, the more we keep going, stubbornly pushing the status quo of commerce and materialism, the more nature will keep fighting back, harder and more fiercely.

         Leonard J. Mountain Chief, who passed on in 1999, had very definite views on the changes we need to make.  The Chief's unwavering desire for all of humanity, his hope and prayer, was always the same:  that one day people would be able to look outside of themselves, see the world around them, and find a way to listen and  be of service. The book, Open Spaces, encapsulates his view on human relationships and the bond between nature and all of humanity.  The book is intended to be an awakening.

         Jay North

         One Globe Press


To the Editor:

         I was wondering, I overheard people at Michelle's discussing an article that you published in the Gazette about Thom Derr.  Would you be so kind as to send that article to me?  I would really love to read it.  I sat next to Claudia in choir.  It was so nice to see you and Allan and everyone else again.  Take care and stay warm.

         Kari Breitbach

         Wayzata, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         Because of the massive snowstorms in the East and crippling drought in the West, there is speculation that both are being caused by climate change.  News outlets focusing on Mother Nature are missing an important part of the story behind the story -- the politics of global warming.

         The rich countries of the world are being solely held culpable for industrial emissions when the top 23 cities with the worst air pollution are in the poor countries.  The city with the worst air quality is nearly 10 times higher than the worst offending municipality in the United States.  Six of the most polluted cities are in China.

         Also, items deleted from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change include an acknowledgement that global temps stopped rising 15 years ago, and that many parts of the world were much warmer 1,000 years ago than they are today.  To admit these facts would undermine assertions that man causes the worst global warming in history and would force advocates to accept the conclusion that climate change is entirely due to natural causes. 

         For example, NASA is concerned the sun is going into hibernation (little or no activity) which will likely produce global cooling.  Ocean oscillations also seem to have an important impact.  Planetary orbits may also have an effect.  Carbon dioxide is way down the list.

         C.J. Hadley, RANGE magazine

         Carson City, Nevada


To the Editor:

         We know that you and your staff work hard on delivering local coverage to your readers.  But there may be times when you may want or need extra content for a special section or visitor's guide.  Publisher's Auxiliary is planning to include coverage of the use of syndicated columns by community newspapers in upcoming issues.  Please respond before February 10th and tell us how you'd like to use syndicated content.  Thank you.

         Stan Schwartz, Managing Editor, National Newspaper Association

         Columbia, Missouri


To the Editor:

         Of course I started looking for the fishhook at the beginning of the paper but found it on page 39 between the Merry Moose's nose and mouth.  Dig deep and Happy New Year.

         Linda Erickson

         Chaska, Minnesota


Click here for more letters.

The Victoria GAZETTE

February 2014