To the Editor: My mom, Dorothy Rietz Smith, enjoyed the Gazette. It helped her to keep in touch with her hometown while she was retired and living in Sun City West, Arizona. Mom passed away this past July in Arizona, just days before she was scheduled to fly into the Twin Cities and visit her farm on Highway 5 about three miles west of Victoria. In late July we buried both Mom and Dad in the family plot in the Lake Auburn Moravian Cemetery. Ron Holtmeier was a great help to my two sisters and me. We still hold the home-stead and recently located the deed signed by Chester A. Arthur in 1884. I enjoyed my summers on the Elmer J. Rietz farm - previously the Henry Rietz farm, Elmer's dad. Keep the news coming. Sincerely, Robert A. Smith, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin
To the Editor: Thanks so much for adding us to the Victoria Gazette mailing list. One of the many things that we missed about Minnesota was reading the Gazette. We were very happy that our first issue featured our good friends and old neighbors, Jerry and Marlene Bohn. Thanks again for adding us. It was nice to see you again. Marty and Pat Hanley, Wildwood, Missouri
To the Editor: Please take me off the mailing list. Not that I don't like the Gazette, I do, but I am getting up in years and I can't see like I used to. I always like to read that Gazette. Thank you. Mildred Fischer, Waconia, Minnesota
To the Editor: I just realized that I'm missing the Gazette. I must have inadvertently lost track of the renewal notice. Please renew my subscription. I enjoy the Gazette very much. We have a new address. Enclosed find $10. Keep up the good work. Thank you. Gladys Whittaker, Waconia, Minnesota
To the Editor: Enclosed is our check for renewal of the Gazette. We really enjoy that paper. Your front page stories about people of Victoria are so interesting. Even if we don't know these people, we enjoy reading about them. Roman even reads those articles! Keep up the good work. Marie and Roman Stumpf, LeSueur, Minnesota
To the Editor: It's time to renew for a great paper. Yours is the best in the Northwest and I've had quite a few! All the pictures and interviews of so many people that I know is of so much interest to me. Don't ever retire. Ellie Thaemert, Carver, Minnesota
To the Editor: Thank you for your recommenda-tion to Commissioner Siegried for me to serve on the Library Board. I hope we can make a difference together. If you have more ideas on the possibility of a library for Victoria, let me know. Sometimes we can see how things fall together when something noble and worthy is attempted. Thanks for your input and support. We'll be looking forward to spring, won't we? Take care and thank you again for your support. Carol Vadnais, Victoria, Minnesota
To the Editor: National Volunteer Week is from April 22nd to 28th. It would be wonder-ful if your Gazette would do a feature story on volunteers. You could feature one of our volunteers who resides in the Victoria service area. I would be happy to do an interview for you or provide you with information about the benefits of volunteering and opportuni-ties for volunteer involvement in our organization. We would appreciate your help making information about volunteer opportunities available to people who receive The Victoria Gazette. Your readers wanting more information about volunteer opportunities can call me at 952-442-2192, Ext. 5570. Sue DeGolier, Ridgeview Medical Center, Waconia, Minnesota
To the Editor: Enclosed is a check for the renewal of a great paper. We enjoy it. We especially enjoyed (with laughter) your editorials about your keys locked in your car and your recent flight to Las Vegas. Morrie and Alice Leuthner, Excelsior, Minnesota
To the Editor: I wish to thank everyone for their thoughtfulness, for their prayers, flowers, food, cards, and calls when I had my surgery. God bless you all. Mae Schmid, Victoria, Minnesota
To the Editor: Will you please put me on your mailing list? Enclosed find a check for $10. If possible, could you please send me your last Gazette, the one with the Diethelm family. Thank you. Mildred Gothman, Waconia, Minnesota
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