More Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:
I finally found your fishhook.  I don't play to "win."  I just want to find the danged thing.  Salute to your cleverness, except for this past issue 'cuz I actually found it.  (Giggles.)
Bonnie Johnson, Victoria, Minnesota

To the Editor:
Time to renew my paper for another year.  Find my check of $10 enclosed.  I sure like your paper and look for it every month.  You have a nice paper.  I can keep up with the Victoria people I know.  Keep up the good work.  I'm fine and alone since September 28th, 1999, when my husband died.  Everybody's good to me and helps me out.
Catherine Hauwiller, Montrose, Minnesota

To the Editor:
Due to macular degeneration, a disease of the eyes, I can no longer see good enough to read, so I have to cancel my subscription to the Gazette.  You really have good and interesting paper.  I've looked forward to reading it every month.  Good luck in your future.  Keep your readers informed and happy.  Happy Easter.
Mrs. Fremont Radde, Waconia, Minnesota

To the Editor:
This letter is long overdue.  Having figured out I am not finding time to write it, today I am making time to do so.
I have worked in Victoria for three plus years, and some of my earliest im-pressions have not changed much.  Do we live in a safe and friendly commu-nity?  Yes.  Are our neighbors and area residents cordial and cheerful as we cross paths often?  Yes.
I could go on about educational facilities, local government, recreation, churches, service clubs, a great local newspaper, The Victoria Gazette, and much more that is positive about the Victoria area.
Today I wish to say Hip Hip Hooray for our local Victoria Chamber of Commerce, along with so many area businesses.  They have joined together, pooled resources, and are spending money to put on the Home & Garden Business Expo Saturday, April 7th, at the new Holy Family Catholic High School in Victoria.
Thanks to the school for hosting this wonderful community event.  It is the first public event to be held at the school and is an opportunity for all local residents to see this great addi-tion to the community.
Now I am putting out a call to our local residents.  Chamber volunteers are working with businesses to provide a fun and educational day.  There will be ongoing events of interest to every-one from 9 a.. to 3 p.m.  Do yourself and your family a favor by attending the Expo.
There will be hundreds of dollars in free prizes, food, and cooking dem-onstrations, entertainment, horse-drawn carriage rides, and much more.  See more information on the Expo in this issue of the Gazette.
One more time - Come on out and learn firsthand just how much in shop-ping and services is available in this great local community.  This Expo is for you.  Take part by attending.
Thank you all.
Uncle Mike, Nature's Bounty, Victoria, Minnesota

To the Editor:
Love your editorials.  Always get a chuckle from them.  Hope your trip to be with family in Las Vegas was great.  We flew America to D.C. so had more leg room than you on your flight.  D.C. is absolutely awesome.
Charlene Opdahl, Urbandale, Iowa

To the Editor:
I found the fishhook!  Wow!  I won't even tell you how many times I went through the February Gazette and never found it. 
Love your news letters.  Love the quotes.  Love the jokes and stories.  You are darn good!  You've got a gift and you're using it.  Here's my $$$.  Happy spring to you and Allan. 
Kathy Oertle, Stillwater, Minnesota

To the Editor:
Hi, Sue.  People are still buying my books.  It's nice to know that there are still some people around that appreciate talent and quality work, not to mention a winning personality and good looks.  By now I'm sure you know who I am talking about.
What's the scoop on the upcoming event at the high school?  Are you going to compile some of my greatest works for me to read and hold the audience spellbound for the better part of the day?  We better get on it.  As we who are fluent in the Latin tongue say:
Tempest fugit momento mori.  (Time is flying.  Tomorrow is near.)
Jesse Coghill
Farmer Poet from Jordan

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