To the Editor: I am not a subscriber to your wonder-ful paper but I soon may well be if every issue is as well prosed as the April, 2001, edition that I happened on by chance. First, allow me to "set the stage," so to speak. I live in a small farming com-munity northwest of St. Cloud, Minneso-ta. My wife and I were visiting friends in St. Cloud and I came across your news-paper, oddly enough, in, of all places, their restroom. Having driven through Victoria a few times on business, and even on one occa-sion dining at your charming Victoria House, imagine my surprise that the page was opened to the picture of the group of friends at said Victoria House. They do look like a wild fun bunch. However, if I am allowed one small critique, I did have a hard time following the identification of rows but that could just be me. Having piqued my curiosity, I read the whole paper. Such wonderful well written articles. The pages do seem to "flow" together so well. I will confess my personal "favorite," if you will allow me, was The Editor's Favorite Quotes. What a hoot! Really, doesn't every small town have a Mary Moore and a Germaine Jesberg (the two who were quoted so often) in them? I know the small town of Twin Buttes, North Dakota, where I grew up so many years ago, did. They are just charming. Well, before this becomes a novel ... I inquired of my friend his connection to Victoria. He said a friend of his -- and here I apologize, I can't recall his friend's name - grew up in Victoria and now resides in St. Cloud. He said his friend subscribes to the paper and gives it to him after having read it. (What a way to save $10.) In closing, I'd like to say how fortun-ate Victoria is to have such an entertaining and well edited newspaper. Keep up the good work, and I hope to gain access to next month's issue. (I'll make sure I visit my friend in St. Cloud at such time.) Very sincerely, Alonzo Schniden Holdingford, Minnesota
To the Editor: Just wanted to mention that my fam-ily in Waconia, Hastings, and Wayzata have sent me subscriptions to the Great Gazette. I joined the military in 1966 and am living in Virginia. The Gazette talks about and mentions people I knew and grew up with. It is a real comfort to have contact with one's past. Most of our rela-tion live in Victoria. Frank Kaley was my uncle. Lorene Diethelm was my aunt, and it keeps going. Could you check your subscription list? I get to read the Gazette twice on every publication because it is doubled to me. You can cancel the second paper that I receive. Jim Kaley Warrenton, Virginia, via e-mail
To the Editor: Thanks for a great Victoria Gazette. Also, I enjoyed the Home and Garden Business Expo at the beautiful new Catholic high school in Victoria. The fishhook is on the tire on page 36. Thank you. Marilyn Kuhl Belle Plaine, Minnesota
To the Editor: The ice left Lake Auburn today, April 15th, Easter Sunday. This date is not the latest. The latest date for ice out was April 19th, 1996 (since I started keeping records in 1987). Hope you are having a great Easter. Ron and Harriet Holtmeier Victoria, Minnesota, via e-mail
To the Editor: Your editorial in the most recent April Gazette was a great reminder that each day is a great gift, along with the precious people around us. It is also an amazing message about the significance of Easter. You would probably enjoy the CD called Max Lucado; He Chose the Nails. In it the author states, "To take away the cross is to take away the hinge pin in the door of hope." I found your editorial's overall message to be one of hope, a gift we all crumble without. Happy Easter, and God bless you and your family. Sincerely, Judy Winship, Victoria, Minnesota
To the Editor: You have done me and many a great service in giving us Prints of a Priest; Writings by Father Elstan. We got the book through Mary Meuwissen's mom and dad. I knew Father Elstan when I was at the Assumption Seminary in Chaska as a teacher, 1953-1962, years of great memories in Marvelous Minnesota. Greetings to Father Elstan, Mary the mayor, and any more that we may have known. I'm way younger than Father Elstan - I wasn't born until 1924 - so I'm still very active (so I like to think and have others think so). Yours in Christ, Father Juniper, OFM Conv. Kitwe, Zambia, Africa
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