"I'm so very proud of my child-ren. They all have a healthy set of values. I enjoy every single one of them ... and are they ever noisy when they all get together. My husband deserves a great deal of credit. I have never met anyone with more personal and professional integrity than he had, and it made a lasting impression on our kids. His belief was that you didn't do the easy thing, you did the right thing. That always included treating other people with respect." Today daughter Kathy Boreen and husband Phil raise cattle in Washing-ton State. They're looking to buy a ranch now in Montana or Wyoming. Son Tim and wife Vickie live in Plymouth, and Tim works for Enteg-ris, formerly known as Fluoroware. Their children are Brent and Leah. Daughter Peggy Darst lives in Mound and works at the Westridge Clinic. Her children are Andrew and Shawn and grandchild Andrew. Daughter Linda lives in Eden Prairie and works as an administrative assistant at Cargill's Law Department. Daughter Mary Kay Schwartz-bauer, Chaska, is the assistant to the Development Director at Normandale College. Her children are Christina, Sarah, and Melody. Son John lives in St. Paul. He is an account executive for C.S. Solutions.
Carol's extensive collection of books includes great works and great authors such as Moby Dick by Herman Melville, and the complete works of Ernest Hemingway, W. Somerset Maugham, Shakespeare, and the Complete Father Brown Stories by G.K. Chesterton. Others authors represented on her shelves are J.R. Tolkien, H.G. Wells, Charles Dickens, Dorian Gray, and more. She's read each of them more than once, and her favorites have varied over the years. Those Carol rereads today are Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury ("about a young boy whose grandmother is dying"), A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle ("a couple moves to southern France"), First Ladies by Margaret Truman ("an even-handed look at their husbands"), and The Foxes Union by James Kilpatrick ("an imaginative way of looking at animals"). In her younger years Carol did volunteer work with the Girl Scouts, the March of Dimes, and the Great Books program. She cooked for her family and won a Betty Crocker Cookbook in a baking contest. Today, when her heart needs a little extra care, when it needs more than a good book or a crossword puzzle can deliver, she calls her children, other family, her friends. She also sits at the piano and wistfully plays old favorites to keep the life-blood flowing. Says she, "One of the things I've learned is that every age has its own rewards and insight." Thank you, Carol, for giving us your story. I'm pleased to know you, bless your heart.