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And so the angels cried, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men who are pleasing to Him."
When I consider the prevalence of suicide bombings, beheadings, burnings, street violence, hijackings, and the methodical persecution and killing of Christians around the world, I am shocked. Maybe frightened is a better word. Or terrorized. As hordes of people cross borders and leave the land of their birth today, it is difficult to differentiate between immigrants, refugees, invaders, and terrorists. We are called to be our brother's keeper, but we are also called to protect our families. I don't leave the doors to my home wide open for just anyone to walk in as they please. Even friends knock before entering. I believe that nations should operate like families. I'm reminded that after Noah built the ark and it started to rain, and his family was safely inside the ark, God told him to shut the door. I'm reminded that when Moses helped the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt, and before reaching the Promised Land, that God closed the wall of the Red Sea to those that followed them. But I'm also reminded that Jesus fed thousands of people who traveled and gathered on the hillside to hear what He had to say. He said things like, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and "Blessed are the merciful." Is there someone better to quote in these trying times? Who is more trustworthy? Of course I'm going to quote Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, who came to us without a crib for His head which was later crowned with thorns for our sake. He asked us to invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind, giving special attention to widows and orphans, but He did not ask us to invite liars, thieves, and murderers. To them He said, "Depart from me." And He called them names like "snakes" and "brood of vipers," "hypocrites," "whited sepulchres, full of dead men's bones," and "ravenous wolves."
The angels cried to one another, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God of Hosts."
People fall prey to evildoers and false prophets, especially political hacks and media moguls who tickle their fancy. They celebrate Multicultural Diversity as though it were the Golden Calf, which it is. The Golden Calf was made from the melting pot of valuables collected for the purpose of creating something to satisfy an ungodly craving of the masses. But reason alone can tell you that one culture is not equal to another culture. A culture that glorifies suicide bombers is not equal to a culture that respects humanity. A culture that treats violence in the streets like a temper tantrum is not equal to a culture of self control. A culture that fawns over the morally bankrupt "stars" of Hollywood is not equal to a culture that reveres Mother Teresa. A culture that values abortion and dismemberment of its children, and pretends it's not happening, is not equal to a culture that saves the lives of its babies. A culture that gives honors and awards to intellectual dunces is not equal to a culture founded on the ideas of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Madison. And so, you see, celebrating Multicultural Diversity is a ruse. It's a trick. It's like worshipping the Golden Calf. A melting pot is only good if the flavors blend together for good, like in a delicious pot of calico beans of all colors and creeds. Stirring in gravel or rabbit pellets terrorizes the pot of calico beans. What is special, and worthy of celebrating, is people trying to live together with virtue and common sense, respecting political and religious liberty -- for Christians, too -- safeguarding our Constitution, staying awake, and recognizing deception. Propaganda and ignorance masquerade as sophistication and intelligence today, as never before. School children continue to be indoctrinated, as never before. It's terror on the ground level. The culture that worships information technology is the very culture stealing the basics from our children. School boards are removing from classrooms the Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic that propelled the USA, a once Christian nation, to the highest standard of living in the world. History textbooks have been altered. Some schools no longer teach cursive. Simple math is made so complex that parents can't help with it. God isn't allowed. Even grandparents look the other way. As the foundation is rocked and removed, the mountains fall and angels cry.
I've often thought about that night And wondered if they realized That star so bright Was sent to tell all the land The Son of God would soon become The Son of Man. And the creatures gathered 'round And didn't make a sound, And the angels cried, And the angels cried, And the angels cried. |
From the Editor |
Dedicated to the sunshine of truth, the moonshine of meeting deadlines, and the starshine of Victoria. |
The Victoria GAZETTE |
Sue’s Album A symphony of photos and fewer than a thousand words at www.VictoriaGazette.com |
December 2015 |