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FINANCIAL AWARD FOR CITY OF VICTORIA AND FINANCE MANAGER KELLY GRINNELL For the eighth consecutive year, the City of Victoria received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting (CAFR). The award is given by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada. The award has been presented to Victoria's Finance Director Kelly Grinnell.
NEW SOFTWARE AT VICTORIA CITY HALL BRINGING UTILITY BILLING BACK IN HOUSE Council unanimously approved an expenditure of $161,170 for the purchase of new software to managing financial reporting, payroll, timekeeping, and building permit functions in the City of Victoria. The low bid was from BS&A. Said Finance Manager Kelly Grinnell on November 9th, "It will change the way the city operates." She said the city's current system "is not at the level we need."
VICTORIA PLANS FOR ANOTHER 90 HOMES MAYBE THERE IS SOFTENINGIN THE MARKET Council reviewed the third quarter financials on November 9th with Finance Manager Kelly Grinnell. "We budgeted for 90 homes and we're projecting we'll have 90 at year end. It seems there is a little bit of a softening in the market. However, with the pending plats, staff feels comfortable with the current 90 homes also projected for 2016."
MAINTAINING SIX INCHES OF TOPSOIL A GOAL IN VICTORIA AND WATERSHED DISTRICT City Engineer Cara Geheren talked to city councilmembers on November 9th about the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program. She said the City of Victoria is required to obtain and comply with a national system stormwater permit. One of the issues she mentioned is trying to maintain six inches of topsoil as property in Victoria is being developed. "We will do inspections to make sure there are six inches of topsoil so less watering of lawns is needed," said Cara.
SHORTER SCOOP FROM NOVEMBER HWY 5 CONSTRUCTION FINALLY PAID FOR *Council approved a payment of $31,741 to MnDOT for work related to the major 2012 Hwy 5 construction project through Victoria. The original invoice was $47,471. It will be transferred from the city's Municipal State Aid Account which has a current balance of approximately $822,000.
PICKING THE MAYOR’S MIND QUESTIONS FROM EDITOR SUE Erin Smith was hired as the new Senior Planner in November. Where is she from? Is she replacing somebody at City Offices or is it a new position? How does it differ from the job of Community Development Director Ben Landhauser? Mayor O'Connor: "Erin Smith started as a Senior Planner in Victoria on November 17th. She fills a position that was eliminated during the past recession. Erin has a Master of Arts in Urban Planning from Minnesota State University. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Urban and Regional Studies from the University of Minnesota Duluth. "Erin comes to Victoria from her recent position as Community Development Planner with the Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission. "Her new primary duties involve complex current and long term planning, including such areas as ordinance development, plat and site plan review, and assisting the Community Development Director on special projects. We are excited about the potential contribution Erin can make to the continued orderly growth of Victoria."
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