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OUTSTANDING AND DEDICATED SERVICE FROM COUNCILMEMBER RICHARD TIEDEN Councilmember Richard Tieden was presented a plaque of appreciation and gratefulness on January 8th midst accolades from Mayor Mary Thun and applause from other councilmembers and audience. Mayor Thun said on January 8th, “You work from the heart. You have a personal concern for the City of Victoria. You helped work for Emerald Crest, the Field House, the Water Treatment Plant, Fresh Seasons Grocery Store. Things exist in Victoria because of your tireless work. You have a fundamental sense of fairness. When you came to the Council, you came with a mission for County Road 18. You’re leaving with many achievements. We are presenting you with a service award for eight years of outstanding and dedicated service.” Said Councilmember Tieden, “It has been a pleasure working with the Council. I’ve enjoyed it.” He added that he will continue working in public service since just last week he was appointed to the Carver County Parks Commission. Mayor Thun looked to the future. “It is time now to focus on our future,” she said. “We have an incredible opportunity. We want to look at where we want to be not just next year but also in five years and ten years. I ask that each of you as a citizen look at the larger picture. What is the economy you want to bring to this community? If we don’t focus on it now, in this economy, it will be too late. We want to build upon what we have. Thank you for your vote of confidence.”
BECOMING WEEKEND WARRIORS NEW NIGHTS FOR VICTORIA CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Upon recommendation from City Administrator Don Uram, councilmembers voted unanimously on January 8th to change the long-standing dates of Victoria City Council meetings from Thursdays to Mondays. To be more precise, Victoria City Council meetings will now be held on the second and fourth Mondays (not Thursdays) of each month. Said Mr. Uram, “I think there’s only one other city in the metro area that holds council meetings on Thursday nights. Changing it to Tuesday or Monday nights would help staff from a workload standpoint. It is difficult for our Planner to get the work done when Council meetings and Planning Commission meetings fall in the same week. A loft of our issues come from the Planning Commission. Procedurally it’d work better for us.” Planning Commission meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. “I can understand moving it from midweek to Monday nights to accommodate travelers, but it sure cuts into our review time of council packets,” said Councilmember Jim Paulsen. Council packets are currently received by councilmembers on the Friday before the Thursday night council meeting. Monday night reduces review time to mainly the weekend before the Monday night council meeting. Said Mayor Mary Thun, “I mentioned this to Don, that I didn’t want to spend the weekend studying council packets. People go to cabins and do things on weekends.” Countered Councilmember Kim Roden, “I’m a weekend warrior. I’ll continue to read packets on the weekend. I’m open to a Monday or Tuesday night council meeting.” Councilmember Paulsen agreed, “I’ll go to Monday or Tuesday nights, but I’ll also be quick to pull things from the consent agenda!” The new meeting nights begin in February, with the first meeting of the month held on Monday, February 9th.
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