Just West of Waconia on Hwy 5 952-442-5000 |
Sebenaler Chiropractic Center Chaska * 952-448-9908 |
CORNERSTONE Insurance Agency David Barsness * 952-448-5028 |
8661 Deer Run Dr. * Victoria 952-443-2351 |
MACKENTHUN’S MEAT & DELI St. Bonifacius * 952-446-1234 |
Highway 5 in Victoria 952-443-2491 |
SHORTS FROM JANUARY 2009 DOLLARS FOR HWY 7 BUT NOT FOR HWY 5 *Regarding the upgrading of Hwy 5 through Victoria, Councilmember Jim Paulsen asked, “Do we need a lobbyist? The traffic on Highway 5 is one and a half times that of Highway 7, and they’ve just spent a million dollars on Highway 7. We should not back down on our needs. When they spend that kind of money on a less traveled road, it’s not fair.” Administrator Don Uram pointed out that, even to get money to complete the short section of Highway 5 through Eden Prairie, it was a multi-year project. *Kim Roden stated, “Those two roundabouts on Hwy 7 are a total disaster, causing all kinds of accidents.” *Mayor Thun reported that MnDOT is focusing on improving some intersections along Hwy 5 and not on improving the width of the highway. She stated, however, “I don’t think we should lose focus on making Hwy 5 four lanes. It’s our lifeline. Discussions with MnDOT are incredibly difficult and I feel we’re talking to the wind.” *The City of Victoria accepted contributions to the Victoria Fire Department from Eric and Jody Hanson ($25), Michael and Debra Winkelman ($50), Tim and Sherri Walsh ($30), Jeff and Michele Carlson ($300), Mary Hadaway ($100), and miscellaneous donors ($73). *Council adopted an annual resolution of procedures allowing the city to pay capital costs out of available cash, in anticipation of long term financing, with tax exempt bonds. The resolution allows the city to reimburse itself for costs incurred on capital improvement projects, such as the 2009 street and utilities project, that will be bonded for in the near future. *As usual, the City of Victoria received a dividend check from the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust. The 2008 dividend ($4,976) is much lower than in previous years; it was $8,549 for 2007. Dividends are possible because the premium rates incorporate a safety margin that produces enough revenue to more than cover losses and expenses. *In December 2008 there were 304 active memberships at the Victoria Field House, compared to 256 in December ‘07. *Four people were hired for part time seasonal employment at the Field House -- Drew Nichols to assist the building superintendent; and Ryan Goin, John Costello, and Lucas Huibregtse as warming house attendants. *Council approved a four-year lease agreement to replace 16 pieces of fitness equipment for the Field House at a cost of $16,320 per year for four years (total $65,280). Total cost of leasing is roughly the same as the total cost of purchasing. Leasing has lower upfront costs and provides the ability to keep equipment up to date by timely replacement. *Council authorized staff to apply for a Community Forest Bonding Grant in the amount of $75,000 from the MN Department of Natural Resources for the removal and replacement of public trees. This is a 50/50 matching grant, which means the City of Victoria must match the amount of funding received in the grant. City-owned parks, outlots, and wetland buffers are eligible areas for dollars that might be granted. *Council reported that it is very satisfied with the work, leadership, and performance of City Administrator Don Uram, who was hired on June 9th, 2008. *Council acknowledged and accepted a $300 donation to the Victoria Fire Department from TKDA, the city’s engineering firm. *Council adopted, as it does annually, a fee schedule for city services, licenses, and other events. The fees reflect the cost of the city providing the service. *Council accepted the resignation of Jerry Moja from the Park & Rec Committee on which he served four years. Said Jim Paulsen, council liaison to that committee, “Jerry gets the good guy award. He’s an intelligent guy. I’ll miss him.” *Tim Amundsen said, “City snowplowing doesn’t occur for free. The city doesn’t have time to grind the snow down to the pavement whenever it snows. Asphalt can be damaged by the plow. Our Public Works Department is committed to having our intersections safe. We don’t plow every time there’s a dusting, but when there’s two inches or more of snow.” *Holy Family Catholic High School received approval to conduct a lawful gambling raffle for a girls basketball fundraiser on February 21st. *Eight refuse haulers received approval to operate in the City of Victoria: Allied Waste North America, Dick’s Sanitation, Evergreen Sanitation, Franck’s Sanitation, Randy’s Sanitation, TCW Disposal, Tidy Disposal, Waste Management. *Council approved the purchase and installation of new carpet at the Victoria Field House. Estimates for removal and replacement of the entire Field House carpet came in at $16,680. *Council approved a city contract with a collection agency to collect $5,674.19 from CEI Ventures, Inc. The amount is related to CEI’s proposed development of the city’s 13.5 acres which did not occur. The City of Victoria chose a collection agency versus writing off the debt. |
Dine in Downtown Victoria * 952-443-2858 |
952-442-4411 |
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