DIRECTOR HIRED FOR THE FIELD HOUSE ANN MAHNKE BEGINS VICTORIA JOB JANUARY 2ND On December 13th councilmembers hired Ann Mahnke of Minneapolis to be Victoria’s full time Parks and Recreation-Field House Director. “Councilmembers and I were impressed with her qualifica-tions,” said Administrator Steve Sarvi. Director Mahnke shows up for work in Victoria on Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008, with the customary six-months probation period. Part time Director Mark Brewer will stay with Victoria until January 15th and remain available via the phone. According to Administrator Sarvi, “It wasn’t an easy decision because each can-didate brought different things to the city. Ann has a strong background in Recre-ation Programming, understands parks maintenance, has experienced the growth of a suburban community, and has experi-ence working with private sector facilities in a joint partnership with the City of Savage. Savage built a pool at a Lifetime and jointly operates it, which we felt was good experience similar to working with School District 112. Ann is a very cap-able person, confident in her abilities, and personable.” Ann Mahnke spent the last 19 years with the City of Savage. “She’s primarily been in Parks and Recreation but the past few years added the title of Assistant Public Works Director to her job descrip-tion while maintaining the Parks Depart-ment for the City of Savage,” said Steve. “When she started with Savage, the popu-lation was about 8,000 and now it’s clos-ing in on 20,000. Starting salary for the new Victoria position is $66,183 plus benefits. The po-sition will be reviewed after completion of the six month probationary period. She will office at the Field House. “Ann will lead the Department which now consists of the Field House Supervi-sor Corey Martin, the front desk staff at the Field House, the part time help, and the combined position of Recreation Supervisor/Administrative Assistant. I envision that this combined position will be full time in the near future. It’s in the budget for 2008.” Continued Steve, “Ann’s initial em-phasis will be picking up the work that [current part time Director] Mark Brewer and his staff has started regarding selling off season ice and other uses for the gym and facilities. She’ll focus on building the number of users at the Field House and on increasing the recreation offerings of both the city and in joint partnerships with others such as Community Education. Added Steve, “Of course she’ll also work on building relationships within Victoria, with the business community and other service organizations. Ice sales for 2008 will become important next spring, as will working closely with School District 112 as we prepare to transition into the joint partnership with them.” When School District 112 takes over operation of the Victoria Ice Arena in Jan-uary of 2009, ice sales will not be part of the Director’s job. Administrator Sarvi said the inter-view of candidates was two-part. “We in-vited the Parks and Recreation Committee to meet with the candidates in a less for-mal setting prior to the formal interviews. They provided comments about the candidates. The formal interviews were conducted by me and the Council. Jim Paulsen wasn’t able to attend the inter-views, but the other four councilmembers were present for each of them.” Ann Mahnke was on the University of Wisconsin LaCrosse Division III National Champions Basketball Team in the early 1980’s. She graduated from UW and worked in several smaller Wisconsin communities.
APPROVING VICTORIA’S CASH FLOW FOR 2008 AND PLANNING NEXT FIVE YEARS Council approved the final tax levy for the City of Victoria for collection in 2008. Total certified levy is $4,138,699 – the same total approved this fall in the preliminary levy certified to the county. Council approved the 2008 general fund operating budget for the City of Vic-toria. Total revenues/expenditures are $3,792,813 – same total approved this fall in the preliminary budget certified to the county. Said Finance Director Jylan Johnson, “The bottom line hasn’t changed but approximately $200,000 was shifted from the budget to interfund transfers. We found areas where we could set these monies aside.” Council adopted the 2008 Field House operating budget with a bottom line of $1,017,869. Mayor Thun asked that the new Director look over the bud-get. Commented Tim Amundsen, “Some-how it’s lost on people that the people sitting up here also pay taxes. The Field House is an asset to the community and it could become better.” Council approved the city’s five-year Capital Improvement Plan for the years 2008 – 2011. It includes expenditures, along with funding sources that total approximately $25 million for “projects necessary for contributing to the public health and welfare ... to help maintain an existing system ... to make an existing system more efficient ... to expand an existing system for new service or com-pletely new public facility or service.”
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