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Text Box: Editor’s Favorite Quotees

"Freedom and productivity are best secured

by a Christian and moral foundation."

Richard J. Neuhaus

"The Public Square" in First Things, October 2008.


"No social order can be entirely neutral about moral truth.  Diversity cannot be infinite, and our solicitude for the individual cannot involve granting plenary liberties of life and conscience.  Not everything can be permitted."

R.R. Reno, Editor

"The Public Square" in First Things, May 2012.


"It was so hot I

thought my black shorts were going to ignite."

Germaine Jesberg

"Editor's Favorite Quotes" in the Victoria Gazette, July 2002.


"They don't call her Hot Pants for nothing."

Mary Moore

"Editor's Favorite Quotes" in the Victoria Gazette, August 2002.


"Some people feel it is impolite and undiplomatic to speak the language of right and wrong."

President George W. Bush.

"Editor's Favorite Quotes" in the Victoria Gazette, July 2002.


"You cannot accept injustice.  You must make it visible."

Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

"Editor's Favorite Quotes" in the Victoria Gazette, July 2002.


"Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth."

Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

"Editor's Favorite Quotes" in the Victoria Gazette, July 2002.


"In the City of God, Augustine says that God allows heretics in the Church

to teach us three things:  right doctrine, patience,

and how to live with our enemies."

J. Warren Smith

Letter to the Editor in First Things, June/July 2012.


"The delusion of innocence -- that is, the inability to recognize guilt --

is a destructive sickness, a sleeping sickness of the conscience."

Pope Benedict XVI

Sermon to his students (his Schulerkreis) on September 4th, 2005.






July 2012