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Front Page

Feature Story

From the





to the Editor




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paper Gazette

Notes and


The Scoop

at City Hall

To the Editor:

         Please tell Kay Meuwissen that Pastor Frank Jones did take the “Church Lake Poster” with him to Rochester.  Now I know who that ugly hag was.

         Ron Holtmeier

         Victoria, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         I spoke to your briefly about putting a tribute in the Gazette in honor of a loved one who passed away.  We’re unfortunately unable to make the deadline for the April paper but would like to put something in the May paper if possible.  Since Mother’s Day is in May, this would also be an appropriate time as this is for my mother in law.  Thank you for your time.

         Shelly Brooks

         Victoria, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         I think you should do a story on Jan Olinger and her history of baseball.  Her dad was part of a baseball team with his many brothers, the Fredrickson brothers of Northfield, Minnesota, and a photo of their team is in the new Twins ballpark.  Jan and her family, being longtime Victoria baseball players, should be recognized.  Thanks, Sue, for considering this.  You don’t need to tell Jan it was I who gave you the tip. 

         Blessings on this Eastertide.

         Lydia Holsten

         Excelsior, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         I’m looking for articles on Diane Schmid, Father Robert Schmieg, and Father Brennan Schmieg.

         Mark Worm, via email


EDITOR’S NOTE:  Oofda.  Do I get anything for a finder’s fee?


To the Editor:

         Springtime is full of celebrations for our students, including prom and graduation.  These events are milestones for students and families and should be celebrated.  How students celebrate prom and graduation, however, could have major consequences.

         Underage drinking is a serious problem.  In Minnesota it is illegal for anyone under 21 to purchase, possess, and drink alcoholic beverages.  Under the “Not a Drop” law, if someone under 21 drinks and drives, they will lose their license from 30 to 180 days.  These laws have reduced the incidence and harms of underage drinking.

         Teens, however, continually report that adults are their primary source of alcohol at home, in bars and restaurants and outdoor parties.  Serving alcohol to minors is illegal. 

         Adults providing alcohol to teens can be ordered to serve a jail or prison sentence, pay fines and substantial monetary civil damages.  Chaska’s Social Host Ordinance holds individuals criminally responsible for hosting or allowing underage drinking parties.

         While some parents are relieved that their teen is “only” drinking, they may not know that alcohol is a drug.  Teens use alcohol more frequently, heavily, and with more deadly results than all other illicit drugs combined.

         These statistics do not take into consideration the countless life-altering consequences of underage drinking that do not result in death, including vehicle crashes, violence, and sexual assault.

         Parents can help their teen make choices that ensure their own safety and the safety of others, especially as their teens are 18, graduating high school, and attending prom.  Parents can establish boundaries and expectations for them and hold them accountable for their actions.  Remember, underage drinking is not a rite of passage.  It is illegal.

         Our message is aimed at preventing underage drinking and potentially deadly behavior, including drinking and driving.  We care about the teens in our community.  Please join us in our effort to keep them safe and sober while celebrating their accomplishments.

         Jim Keeler, Carver County Attorney

         Bud Olson, Carver County Sheriff

         Scott Knight, Chaska Police Chief


To the Editor:

         Thanks for keeping me on your mailing list.  I still love reading the Gazette.

         Maggie Smith

         St. Joseph Catholic School

         Waconia, Minnesota


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Letters Continued

May 2010