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Notes and


The Scoop

at City Hall

Wages and benefits to city employees consume about 40% of total expenditures.  Contracted services (for city attorney, city engineer, city financial consultants, etc.) consume about 30% of  expenditures.

         "Operating Transfers" refers to those dollars transferred from the General Fund and deposited in other funds to purchase large pieces of equipment or projects -- down the road -- and thereby avoid the cost of issuing debt and interest expense.  Some of these transfers are made on an annual basis.  Transfers proposed for 2012:


Fire Truck Fund ................................... $75,000

(Annual contribution from the city for purchase/replacement of fire trucks.)

Capital Equipment Fund ...................... $70,000

(For future purchase of Public Works/park maintenance capital equipment.)

Water Enterprise Fund ...................... $150,000

(Repaying loan for purchase of 13.5 acres to expand downtown Victoria.)

Capital Facilities Fund ....................... $113,794

(Available to build capital facilities:   Public Works Bldg and City Hall.)

Street Maintenance ........................... $150,000

(For long term maintenance including sealcoating and street overlays.)                                

        TOTAL OPERATING Transfers:  $558,794


         Even though the Victoria Fire Department said they would be willing to forego the $75,000 in 2012 to assist with budget concerns -- as reported in the Gazette's City Scoop pages last month -- the $75,000 remains part of the Total Operating Transfers in the proposed 2012 budget.

         According to information from the city finance director, total amounts in the above funds at the end of 2010 (prior to receiving 2011 funding and prior to receiving proposed funding for 2012) were as follows:

         ·Fire Truck Fund $511,830. 

         ·Capital Equipment Fund $157,335.                

         ·Water Enterprise Fund $767,789. 

         ·Capital Facilities Fund $1,148,597.                

         ·Street Maintenance Fund $0


         Council will hold a Truth in Taxation  Hearing at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, December 12th, at Victoria City Hall when residents are invited to speak to the preliminary levy and budget.  That evening, councilmembers will approve a final budget and levy.





         Holly Kreft, Community Development Director for the City of Victoria, presented a policy on September 12th that determines when and where the city logo (round seal with lake, parkland, bird, sky, church, adopted in 1978) will be used in the city,  and when and where the city brand (the "V" adopted in 2008) will be used in the city.

         Council voted 3-1 on September 12th to adopt that policy with one change.  The dissenting vote was cast by Mayor Mary Thun.  [In July councilmembers had voted 4-1 to retain usage of both the Victoria logo and the brand.  Mayor Mary Thun had voted against retaining use of the historic seal.]

         Said Holly, "The city's graphic consultant designer, Jody Majeres, recommended not incorporating the two concurrently on materials.  She feels the current city logo is more of an illustration and could be potentially incorporated with the 'V' but that is not before you this evening, but that additional analysis could be done.  The draft policy is in your packet.  The city logo would be used on any official source of material and the brand would be used more in marketing terms."

         Stated Councilmember Jim Crowley to Holly Kreft, "You did exactly what I was looking for, keeping both logos.  I like what you've done."

         The policy indicated that the seal would be used on the city letterhead and official correspondence, city street signs, city website, city vehicle decals, and city employee work-issued clothing.

         On the other hand, the "V" brand would be used on banners located in downtown Victoria, on signage to market Victoria as a place to live, shop, work, and play, plus park signage throughout the city.  The brand would also be used in other marketing material and promotional clothing and apparel.


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