Bertas Funeral Home

Chaska  *  952-448-2137

CORNERSTONE Insurance Agency

David Barsness * 952-448-5028

Lake Auburn



Victoria 952-443-2051

Southwest Christian H.S.  952-556-0040

Christ Victorious Lutheran Church

Just south of Victoria  * 952-443-2993

Wayne Neubarth

Victoria  952-443-1910



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Candidates on Deck Continued

Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

         13) Do you believe the City of Victoria is moving in the right direction?  Why or why not?  "I believe the current elected officials give far too much consideration to special interests at the expense of the average resident of Victoria.  I believe that the city government should fairly and equitably serve the interests of all of the residents of the City. 

         "I also believe that the current city government has been far from open and transparent.  The most fundamental concept of representative democracy is that government exists to secure the rights of the people and is based on the consent of the governed.  The implication is that the all concerned citizens must, without undue effort, be able to fully scrutinize all of the workings of the government in order to provide their informed consent.  In these respects, I believe the city government is most definitely moving in the wrong direction."

         14) What are a couple of your citizen interests/goals if you win election or re-election to the Victoria City Council?  "My goals as a member of the City Council are to a) put the welfare of all of the residents of Victoria above the welfare of any special interests, b) make all of my dealings as a public official open to scrutiny by my constituents, and c) exercise fiscal restraint and responsibility in matters affecting the residents of Victoria."

         15) If money were no object, what is an amenity you’d like to see in Victoria?  "Money is never no object.  Costs and benefits must always be considered and balanced.  The benefits to the community must always justify the costs.  The elected officials making the decisions must always follow the principle and should be wary of falling into the trap of over estimating the future benefits that may be the result of current expenditures.  The key word in the last sentence is 'may' because the future is always uncertain and when entrusted with handling other people's money, an elected official must always be a realist."


Click here for more Candidates on Deck.

The Victoria GAZETTE

October 2014