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         Bottom line:  In 2008 the City of Victoria paid $1,808 for county prosecution services.  The 2009 rate for Victoria is $5,132.  As Councilmember Kim Roden pointed out, “That’s practically a tripling of the rate for us!”

         Replied Attorney Keeler, “When I came into office, we started tackling this right away.  I couldn’t understand how it was done in the past, so we did a top to bottom review.  I’m confident that the numbers we are using are absolutely accurate.  Some of the cities had been underpaying.  Historically, Watertown has been overpaying.  Victoria has been underpaying.  For the future, your rate will be based on a three-year average and the number of caseloads.  It should be more fair.  An increase in cases should correlate with the case revenue.”

         Councilmember Tim Amundsen refered to city efforts to increase police service and, therefore, caseloads in the City of Victoria -- which actually decreases revenue.  “We’re paying a lot to keep the caseload down,” said Tim.

         Replied Attorney Keehler, “You are the fourth largest community for prosecution services, not the busiest and not the smallest.”  He added that the cities are receiving the benefit of the entire staff in the county attorney’s office, which includes 15 attorneys, 4 paralegals, 1 victim witness coordinator, and 9 support staff personnel.

         No council action taken at this time.




Council voted to follow staff recommendadtion concerning the layoff and termination from employment of Assistant Planner Angie Perera and Administrative Assistant Sheree Sands.  Their positions were abolished.  They will each receive six weeks of severance pay, or $5,980 and  $4,590 respectively.

         Angie has worked at Victoria City Offices three years and Sheree two years.

         In explaining his decision and recommendation, Administrator Don Uram said, “I want to go back to my job description.  I want to focus on our workloads.  The building permit activity has continually dropped over the last four years, dramatically.  We’ve got only 22 single family home permits this year to date.  We’re geared up for development and I’ve concluded that our workload isn’t enough to keep the two positions.”

         Recently hired himself, the administrator continued, “I was surprised to see that a community this size had both a Community Development Director and an Assistant Planner. 

         As for severance packages, he said, “there is no industry standard.  We decided at the Personnel Committee to provide each with one month’s salary.  I looked at length of service and size of organization.  We’re an organization of 22 people.  Granted these are tough decisions.  I looked at what was typical.  Governments typically don’t lay people off.”

         The Personnel Committee includes Mayor Mary Thun and Councilmember Richard Tieden, in addition to the city administrator.

         In a letter, Angie Perara wrote, “I will be honest that it will be difficult to find another job at this time and I am asking that you please reconsider with all due respect, providing me with at least a three-month pay for a severance.  This would equal one month pay for each year that I have worked with you.  Unemployment will not pay for all of my family’s bills.”

         Sheree Sands spoke to councilmembers in person that evening.  “I feel the rug was pulled out from under me.  My husband and I were devastated in these hard economic times.  I’m asking for two months severance pay ... I loved my job.  I loved seeing all the councilmembers come into the office and the residents ... I’m sorry to have to leave.”

         Councilmember Tim Amundsen agreed that one month’s severance pay wasn’t enough and pushed for six weeks.  “Sometimes it takes four weeks just to get through the vetting process.  I don’t see how two more weeks can be a burden to the city,” he said.

         Councilmember Kim Roden offered, “Both of these positions are eligible for unemployment.  I don’t want to set a precedent.”

         Councilmember Jim Paulsen said, “Let’s do six weeks.  If we’re going to err, let’s err on the side of generosity.”  Administrator Uram stated, “I am comfortable with what the Council wants to do.”

         A motion to follow the administrator’s recommendation for four weeks severance pay failed 2-3.  Those in favor of four weeks were Mayor Thun and Councilmember Tieden.  A second motion to grant six weeks severance pay passed unanimously.

         Councilmember Roden commended the city administrator, saying, “In the 90 days he’s come in here, he’s looked at workloads, transactions, and the future.  I want to acknowledge the Personnel Committe and Don.  You stepped on board here.  I commend you for that.”

         Mayor Thun thanked Angie and Sheree for their good work with the city.




Administrator Don Uram reported that School District 112 will have a lot of fill  -- twenty yards -- to dispose of as they construct the second sheet of ice and do regrading at the Field House.

         “They’re proposing to regrade the soccer fields, adding four feet of fill on top of them,” he said.  “It would mean taking the fields out of play for two years.  The fields need regrading.  This project would make the fields better.”

         He added, “It would be at a cost to the school district ... As I was walking the fields, I’d say every field can be regraded, rather than just the two fields to accommodate the school.”

         The issue will be in front of the Park and Rec Committee for their review and recommendation to the City Council.


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