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The Victoria


September 2011

To the Editor:

         Heading Home Scott-Carver will host the second annual Project Community Connect on Friday, October 28th.  This is a one-day event where services and information are available for those in our community who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. 

         It brings together citizens, nonprofits, government, and businesses to address the needs of those in our community who are economically challenged.  Services include housing, employment, legal services, benefits, community resources, haircuts, Minnesota ID's, birth certificates, basic medical care, dentistry, and more.

         Project Community Connect is part of a 10-year plan to end homelessness in Scott and Carver Counties.

         Patricia Pettit

         PCC Coordinator

         Shakopee, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         Hi, Sue.  I hope you can find space to include an ad for the Nordic Music Festival on September 17th at Waconia Regional Park.  The Festival is co-sponsored by the Nordic Heritage Club of Carver County and the Sons of Norway Scandia Lodge.

         We have a wealth of Nordic heritage here in Carver County.  The Nordic Music Festival will honor this Nordic heritage in our area and feature musicians and artists of Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish heritage from Minnesota and Wisconsin.  There will be food vendors, crafters, artists, musicians, folk dancers, singers, a silent auction, and the popular competitive Lutefisk Toss.  Everyone is welcome.

         Sharon Eklund

         Victoria, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         On behalf of the Lake Auburn Moravian Church, and the Ice Cream Social Committee, I want to thank you and report on our event this year.  We were so happy with the advertising your printed in your paper.  Many people indicated they became aware of the event by seeing the ads in the Gazette.

         As for the Ice Cream Social itself, we had a record number of attendees who enjoyed homemade pies and ice cream, barbeque sandwiches and other goodies, accompanied by a great group of musicians from our friends at the Chaska Moravian Church.

         Many people came from Waconia and Mound as well.  The Mound group came to join in our celebration of love and caring for our friend and music director, Thom Flug, who owns and operates Threshold Music Center in Mound.  All the proceeds from our food sales and raffle ticket sales went to help offset his high medical bills from heart surgery last year.

         Some of our members helped by contributing items for a raffle.  A beautiful hand-quilted queen-sized quilt made by Florence (Jo) Hubbard, a hand-embroidered tea tablecloth by Helen Wolff, and a Victorian rocker donated by Virginia Stowe were among the prizes drawn in the raffle.

         Many local merchants also helped out with gift cards.  They included Victoria Rose Floral, CKC Grand Design, and Sir  Knight Dry Cleaners.  A big thanks goes to Fresh Seasons Market for allowing us to sell raffle tickets outside their door for two days and for donating all the food items we used for our Ice Cream Social.

         Even as a small congregation, we continue to seek ways to meet needs for people in our local community and abroad.  But this year, with the help of so many generous people in our church and our community, we were thrilled to be able to help someone who gives so much of himself to us and the surrounding community. 

         Thank you to everyone who bought tickets, who attended our event, and who so generously donated to help us achieve our goal.

         Meridy Shoger

         Lake Auburn Moravian Church

         Victoria, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         I wanted to thank you again for the nice notice you did when our older son became an Eagle Scout a few years ago.  The Victoria Lions sponsor Scout Troop 337.  It's always nice to see all the good work the Lions do to help the kids in our area.  We enjoy the Gazette.  Keep up the good work.

         Peggy Cermak

         Victoria, Minnesota


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