Display ads in the paper dition of the Victoria Gazette are charged at the rate of $5 per column inch.  A full page ad is four columns (10”) wide and 15” high.  There is no price reduction for running more than one ad in an issue nor for running an ad on a regular monthly basis because the $5.00 price can’t be beat as it is.  There are sometimes extra charges for photos ($5 to $10 each when they have to be separately retrieved) and for ad layout and design ($5 to $50).  Smallest display ad available is 5” wide x 2” high ad space at $20.  The only color option available is black and white.  Camera ready pdf’s and high resolution jpg’s work great.  Average monthly deadline is the 22nd of each month for printing and mailing near the 1st of the month.


Sample ad sizes:

Smallest ad space (5” wide x 2” high):  $20

Economical ad space  (5” wide x 3” high):  $30

Common ad space (5” wide x 4” high):  $40

More Common ad space (5” x 5”):  $50

Popular ad space (5” wide x 7.5” high):  $75

Half page ad(5” wide x 15” high) or (10” wide x 7.5” high):  $150

Full page ad space (10” wide x 15”high):  $300


Circulation of the Gazette is 4,600 families — or over 16,000 readers.  The paper is mailed directly through the U.S. Post Office.  Annual subscription price is $25.  Circulation centers on Victoria (2,400 families) and its neighboring communities.  Hundreds of subscribers live in Chaska, Chanhassen, Excelsior, Waconia, Carver, Eden Prairie, Shakopee, Minnetonka, Hopkins, Cologne, Eden Prairie, Jordan, St. Bonifacius, Wayzata, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Watertown, Mound, Mayer, Norwood Young America, etc., etc., etc.

Downtown Victoria 952-443-1600

Sue’s Album

A symphony of photos

and fewer than a thousand words

at www.VictoriaGazette.com



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September 2013

Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

City of Lakes & Parks  952-443-2363

“Trees Are Our Roots”

8099 Bavaria Rd * Victoria * 952-443-2990

The Victoria GAZETTE