
To the Editor:

         Hi, Sue.  Your paper gets more interesting all the time.  Love to see all your pictures and interesting comments.

         Found the fishhook on page 26 in the Gazette ad, in the roasting of the pig -- which will happen here in St. Boni on August 18th, for our church.  Come and join us.  Thank you.

         Carol Maas

         St. Bonifacius, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         It was grand to see you again in Victoria and realizing you were also from Marshall via Ghent and Minneota.  My travels with the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension often took me to or through Lyon County.  It is a pleasant part of this state and I remember having great streaks at a place on Highway 59 in Marshall, just south of town.  The name of it escapes me at this moment.  Maybe the T-59? 

         We've visited the Classic Car event in Victoria on a couple of occasions and have enjoyed the vehicles and the participants.

         Since leaving the Carver County Sheriff's Office, I've been teaching at Metro State University in the School of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice.  I also have made several presentations to criminal justice agencies/personnel discussing the highly charged topic of ethics.

         Denny Owens

         Victoria, Minnesota


EDITOR'S NOTE:  Fun to see you, too.  That place in Marshall was called Club 59.  You probably also used to have great steaks at a place in Minnetonka called T-Wright's, which maybe gave you the T-59 thought. 


To the Editor:

         An estimated 575 residents of Scott and Carver Counties received services at Scott-Carver Project Community Connect (PCC) August 8th at the Chaska Community Center.  The annual event, which is designed to end homelessness and help our neighbors in need, drew 80 service providers and more than 100 volunteers.

         We saw a significant increase in the number served over last year when we had 364 guests, an increase that is indicative of the need that is out there, as well as our ability to reach out to those who are living on little.

         We served county residents who are living in tents or in their vehicles and people who are couch hopping, staying temporarily with family and friends.  Some of the people who came to PCC needed only one type of assistance, like help getting an identification card or a driver license renewal, while others had some pretty significant needs for housing, medical and dental care, and mental health services. 

         Services provided are funded by donations to the CAP Agency in Shakopee.

         Coleen Speer

         Gov't Center Administration Building

         Chaska, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         Your August issue was a very nice memorable Gazette with pictures of former Victoria Mayor Mary Hershberger Thun and husband Dave.  Mary was the first gal I hired to work at The Village clothing store.  I was the manager.  Also, the two pictures of Nancy Sohns -- her husband was a Victoria firefighter.  She plays in our card club.  Doug Schmieg, also in that issue, I have to say is a good guy, always has a smile.  And I even found the fishhook on the pig.  Best wishes.

         Marie Otten

         Waconia, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         Thank you to so many people who helped to make my 80th birthday party such a wonderful occasion for me.  I appreciated the cards, gifts, flowers, and good wishes.   Thank you to the Diethelm and Wartman families.  Thank you to my friends.  And thank you, especially, to my children -- Mike, Julie, Jane, Pat, Carol, Chuck, and Ann -- and their families who worked so hard for the party and traveled from so far to be with me.  I loved every minute of it.

         Julianne Wartman

         Victoria, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         Hi, Sue.  I thought I'd give you a little heads up on a friend and our president of the Coalition of Minnehaha Creek Waters.  His name is Joe Schneider, and I believe he may be sending you over an op-ed.  He's been working extraordinarily hard at trying to stop the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species.  His article should dovetail nicely with Bill Olson's and Telly Mamayek's work.

         Kurt Zuppke

         Pierson Lake


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September 2013

Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

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8661 Deer Run Dr. * Victoria


The Victoria GAZETTE