Also on August 26th, Council voted 3-1 to approve the purchase agreement for the ten acres located 8099 Bavaria Road.  The agreed upon price is $70,000 per acre ($700,000) plus $72,810 for trees to be used as berming on the Public Works site.  The purchase price will come from the city's Capital Facilities Fund.  Councilmember Joe Pavelko voted against the motion.  Councilmember Lani Basa was absent.  Closing is set for September 3rd.

         But, also on August 26th, a halt was called in regard to sealing the deal on the city's purchase of Ruth Johnson's home at 7948 Victoria Drive, often called Main Street Victoria.  The agreed upon purchase price is $182,000.  The home is located next to the city-owned property next to the Post Office.  The two combined parcels could become the site of the new Victoria City Hall, but it could also be swapped for the lakeside Hartman property along Stieger Lake Lane, also in downtown Victoria.

         Ruth Johnson spoke to councilmembers on August 26th.  "It's been up in the air so much," she said.  "I still haven't found a place to live yet.  I might have to adjust the deal.  I can't make an offer on anything until I know for sure.  You've changed your mind so many times."

         Ruth said the city has asked about sharing a cost on the property, and that her grandson Matt, who is helping with the sale of her property, has been waiting to hear from the city about details.  She said her grandson asked the city questions on July 24th and didn't get a reply till August 23rd.

         Said City Manager Don Uram, "I did have a chance to talk to Matt Johnson.  There were some delays.  The closing date is not critical to our building plans.  It can be somewhat flexible.  It comes down to  Mrs. Johnson and when she plans to move."

         Mr. Uram said that the original assessment of nearly $10,000 against the Johnson property grew with interest to $17,000.  The city is paying the $17,000 as part of the total purchase price.

         The city estimated $50,000 to remove hazardous materials on the site, according to Mr. Uram, but the latest estimate is $30,000, which is what the city had expected.  "I did go to Matt Johnson and ask for some consideration in this regard," he said.

       Said Attorney Mike Norton, "It's certainly in the city's interest to close soon and be in control of the property.  My recommendation is close soon and extend the possession date.  But it's not desirable for the city to be a landlord."

         The issue was tabled to the September 4th, city council meeting, a date moved up from the regularly scheduled September 9th, meeting because of conflicting councilmember schedules.  Mr. Uram has sent an amended agreement to Johnsons with a closing date no later than October 31st.




         Victoria Fire Chief Andrew Heger gave city councilmembers an update on August 12th of current numbers and personnel in the Victoria Fire Department with an eye toward future issues should there be a continuing decrease in numbers.

         "We have 24 active firefighters today," said Andrew.  "Two of them are scheduled for retirement in the next six months.  There are 27 firefighters on the roster, three are not well.  We have one new recruit coming in the next week or two.  At the end of March 2014 we will be down to 22 active firefighters.  It's a nationwide trend that numbers are dropping."

         He added that other firefighters can retire at any time.  "Our call volume is ahead of last year with fewer firefighters," said Andrew.  "We have six to seven firefighters for daytime coverage.  Everyone is struggling.  Waconia had a waiting list a few years ago and now they're down."

         When asked about possible reasons for the downturn, he replied, "I think affordable housing is a big part of it.  People can't afford to buy a house right now.  Also, there are not a lot of places for people to work in town.  Eighty percent (80%) leave town to work."

         "Have you got any recommendations?" asked Councilmember Tom Strigel.  "Maybe changing pay scale or mutual aid?"

         "The Relief Association will be coming to you in a month or so, asking for a raise in the pension level, which might draw in new recruits," Andrew replied.  "We're already implementing a good mutual aid policy."

         Andrew acknowledged a firefighter now needs 200 hours of minimum training to get on board.  It includes 40 hours of medical training and 160 hours of fire training, rescue, and hazardous training.  "Our goal is to get that done in their first year," he said.  "Training requirements keep going up and up.  Twelve years ago it was 140 hours for me."


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