Island View Dining

Waconia.  952-442-2956

Jan Olinger, CPE. 

Electrolysis.  Hair Removal.

Victoria * 9852-443-2479

Catholic United Financial

Carol Lindner  952-657-2210


Waconia  952-442-2121

Baker Family Dentistry

Victoria  *  952-443-2994

Metropolitan Ford

Jerry Chapman  952-943-9000

James Maiser, CPA

Waconia  952-442-4807

Victoria’s Corner Bar.  Nightly Specials and Menus.  952-443-9944

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April 2012

First Load of Pickles.

    Hi, Mom.  You've heard Christopher say, "This isn't my first load of pickles," the way other people say, "This isn't my first rodeo."  Well, when Addie designed her race car for the Awanas Derby on March 25th, she built it in the shape of a pickle, painted it green, and gave it that name:  First Load of Pickles.  The race was held at the Tioga Elementary School.  Each child is given a block of wood and four wheels and axles.  There are size and weight restrictions and the rest of the design is left up to the kids.  As you can see, it's good to have a handy dad to help with some of the particulars.  The pickle proved to be pokey, but Addie won 2nd place in design.

         Jenny Norgaard

         Tioga, North Dakota 


Wayzata Bids Farewell to Al Orsen. April 2012 will mark a major milestone in Wayzata's history when Al Orsen, our city manager for the past quarter century, will retire.  The impetus was his milestone birthday and his sense that after 36 years at the helm, it was time for someone else to come on board.

         Al began his career as Wayzata's first city engineer.  After 11 years in that role, he was promoted to city manager.  The fruits of his labors are evident everywhere.  One notable measure is the fact that almost all of the commercial buildings in town were constructed under Al's supervision.

         Wayzata has been extremely fortunate to have someone of Al's expertise and dedication to manage its development.  With his engineering background, he has kept the City's critical infrastructure state of the art and well maintained. 

         Under his conservative financial direction, Wayzata achieved the coveted AAA bond rating.  This is extremely rare for a city of our size.

         In addition, every member of our exceptional City staff has been hired by Al.

         Al has my sincerest gratitude.  I think I can speak for everyone in Wayzata in saying that he will be missed.  Thank you, Al, for a job well done.  And thank you for leaving us your home phone number.

         The City Council and Staff are planning an open house event on April 12th to recognize Al's remarkable contributions to Wayzata and its citizens.  It will feature refreshments and a program, both serious and fun.  We are happy to acknowledge Al's service and to wish him well in his retirement.

         Mayor Ken Willcox

         City of Wayzata, Minnesota


It Finally Snowed.

    Thought you would like some pictures from today (February 29th, 2012).  We got a couple inches of heavy wet snow!  So with the ice from last night, school was cancelled for today.  The snow was really hard to shovel and the snowblower won't move it.  Lucky for us the neighbor came over and helped with his big snowblower, so we had plenty of energy to make a snow castle.  Kierra didn't want to make a  snowman.

         Michelle McNallan

         Chanhassen, Minnesota


Thank you, Michelle.  Hi, Patrick.  You probably know we received the same snow in Victoria, and that only a couple weeks later it was time to slip into flip flops.



Victoria Bar & Grill

Home of the Blue Dog


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