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GETTING READY FOR MORE PARKING ON CITY PROPERTY IN DOWNTOWN VICTORIA Council voted unanimously July 12th for staff to submit a grant application to help pay for a municipal parking lot in the location of the current Kirsch building adjacent to City Offices. “I’m pleased to see we’re going to be applying for a grant,” said Councilmember Kim Roden. “Will the parking spaces be available for city staff?” Replied City Administrator Don Uram, “It will also be a global solution for the downtown area. The grant requires a 50% match from the city. We could ask for $160,000.” “So it would not necessarily be just for city staff,” said Councilmember Roden. “It would be shared with others?” “That is correct,” said Mr. Uram. Holly Kreft, the city’s Community Development Director, also clarified that it has to be on public property in order for the project to be eligible for the grant. “Who else are you working with?” asked Councilmember Roden. “The owners of the Post Office building and Floyd’s,” replied Mr. Uram. Parking for those buildings are next to the Kirsch building. “Ultimately, paving will be the answer. It may not happen this year. We can get 18 parking spaces on that piece, which means we can get 10 staff spaces plus for our visitors.” “It’s going to be generally for city use?” asked Mayor Mary Thun. “That is correct,” replied Mr. Uram. He said that eventually the parking lot will be permanent and paved, like the parking lot between the Victoria House and the Gannon Building. “Do you envision reserve spots for city staff?” asked Mayor Thun. “I don’t envision that,” said Mr. Uram. “So we’ll have $200,000 invested in 18 parking spaces, grossed up,” summarized Councilmember Jim Paulsen. “We’ll have $200,000 invested in Victoria’s future growth plans for downtown,” countered the city administrator. “We’ll have $200,000 invested in 18 parking spaces,” repeated Councilmember Paulsen, who reminded people that bigger is more efficient. He added, “The model is that we’ll be able to work with other landowners, and it’s essential to do that for economics.” Mayor Thun clarified that purchase price of the Kirsch property was $145,000 plus there will be demolition and paving costs, and the parking lot will be used now and as the city grows. The city received a purchase agreement in June and demolition of the building was expected to occur after the closing in early August. However, the city administrator reported on July 26th that soil borings and testing at two locations on the property showed a low level of diesel contaminants. From the PCA perspective, this is hardly an issue because the level is so low, he said, but it requires a review process by the MN Pollution Control Agency which takes 30 days from the time an application for review is submitted. That application was submitted July 20th. Administrator Uram also reported that the owner of the property has signed an amendment to the purchase agreement, which extends the closing date from August 2nd to October 1st. With construction season passing, will Victoria have the additional new parking spaces before winter sets in? “We don’t know yet,” he replied.
PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FOR RHAPSODY PAID BY VICTORIA’S PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND Council unanimously approved an expenditure of $41,188 on July 26th for the purchase and installation of playground equipment at Rhapsody Park located at Highway 43 and Vogel Farm Road. Funding will come from the city’s Park Improvement Fund. Reported Park & Rec Director Ann Mahnke, “As part of the Rhapsody development, the city obtained land, about 3.5 acres. There’s a shelter there and a booster station. Also part of the development, the city collected cash. A total of $263,373 is expected to come out of the development. People are asking when is the park going to be done.” Ann said she sent out a request for proposals and received five quotes. The Park and Recreation Committee reviewed and scored the proposals. Minnesota Wisconsin Playground had the best score. Responding to the high cost of playground equipment, Ann said it has a 20 to 25-year life and the city is actually getting quite a bit for the dollar amount being spent.
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