Weinzierl Jewelers |
Victoria’s Corner Bar. Nightly Specials and Menus. 952-443-9944 |
8 First Street in Waconia. 952-442-2885 |
942-443-2078 |
Funeral Home & Cremation Services 952-474-9595 |
Pediatric Rehabilitation Clinic. Occupational Therapy. Speech Therapy. 952-443-9888 |
Huber |
City of Lakes & Parks 952-443-2363 |
“Trees Are Our Roots” 8099 Bavaria Rd * Victoria * 952-443-2990 |
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With a resolution passed by the Victoria City Council on July 24th, 2017, the spelling of Stieger is finally formally resolved, after all these years. Elizabeth Diethelm is surely doing a happy jig on a cloud. She's written poems about the correct spelling and how it rhymes with eager. I've printed them and I've harped on the problem myself. When the condos went up on Stieger Lake some years ago, I was disappointed to see the incorrect spelling on their otherwise attractive monument sign. John Stieger of St. Paul, Minnesota, a descendent of the Stiegers who once lived on these shores, will also appreciate the formal correction. Street signs will be adjusted accordingly. *** I believe the Victoria City Council should take seriously a city policy that was set in place some years ago, requiring all new developments in Victoria to have the Victoria MN 55386 address and zipcode. Past city councilmembers let the cat out of the bag when they allowed a new plat of 40 lots in Victoria Chevalle to have the Chaska MN 55318 address. Now I learn that Victoria is allowing 32 still vacant lots in Waterford Landing on Schutz Lake in Victoria to have the Excelsior, MN 55331 address. Of course, that starts a chain reaction for when the parcel next to Waterford develops, and then the parcel next to that one -- all future Victoria homes simply across the road from a Victoria carrier route serving Swiss Mountain. The U.S. Post Office says it has to be this way. I've heard that before, and I don't believe it for a minute. I worked full time, and for free, for six months in 1988 as the Secretary of the Victoria Chamber of Commerce to get rid of Waconia, Chaska, and Excelsior carrier routes in Victoria. Only at Smithtown and Zumbra did I fail to reach the required 90% affirmative vote of residents who were willing to go through the trouble of changing their addresses. I've still got the paperwork to prove it. We've since grown to five carrier routes for Victoria MN 55386. Certainly it's easier to get the job done before people move in than after a neighborhood is planted! Requiring Victoria MN 55386 addresses and zips in new Victoria developments is city policy and it should be enforced and made part of the developer's agreement. It's not rocket science. It's a zip code. It helps maintain and build community. It should not be too late for Waterford to become a more integral part of Victoria, as well as those properties in line to be developed next to it. Victoria does not need to settle for the easy way out. We should work for what is right for Victoria. Please don't remind me that residents can use Victoria 55331 or Victoria 55318. That's a ruse. It doesn't work well and certainly not for long. And don't tell me it's the same way in other communities. This is from scratch, in a developing city. *** My outstanding display of elephant ear hostas here in the landscape of our home in Victoria began more than 40 years ago with the purchase of one potted specimen that consisted of only three leaves. The price was $20, thus my singular purchase. Each subsequent year, as my plant doubled or tripled in size, I divided the elephant ears and transplanted them into cultivated and peat-improved soil. For a short time, I let the gorgeous large hostas grow without my intervention, then I returned to dividing and transplanting them again. Our home now in 2017 is surrounded by hundreds, if not thousands, of giant elephant ear hostas. I don't take them nor their phenomenal growth for granted, so when they were heavily pelted with hail this past June, shortly after coming into their seasonal glory, I was disheartened. Yet they bloomed in July like crazy. An amazing sight. I look forward to their seasonal glory next year, hopefully without hail. *** We've had a boat since our kids were little. Jenny and Nick have waterskied on nearby lakes and down the Mississippi River. They've fished for salmon with us on Lake Michigan. They've slept overnight on the boat when we fished Lake Superior and visited the Apostle Islands. Our second boat was too big to trailer so we've had a slip on Lake Minnetonka these past many years. We've enjoyed Lake Minnetonka every summer from one end to the other, sometimes just bobbing in a bay with shish kabobs on the grill -- until this year, that is. The LMCD stipulated that the small private marina near Tonka Bay had to downsize from a dozen boatslips to two and we were among the majority hung out to dry. We've been spoiled to have our boat close for spontaneous evening and weekend jaunts. Oh, well. There is a time for every season under the sun. *** Many of you know that the community is the staff of the Victoria Gazette, from the beginning. Thank you to all who send news and pictures of your events, neighborhood gatherings, children's activities, student notes, sports, and special occasions. You help to write the continuing history of Victoria. You are a remarkable audience. |
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Dedicated to the sunshine of truth, the moonshine of meeting deadlines, and the starshine of Victoria. |
The Victoria GAZETTE |
Sue’s Album A symphony of photos and fewer than a thousand words at www.VictoriaGazette.com |
August 2017 |