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Ancsa’s photography seems to capture the reality of her young life with its shadows and sunlight, seen from a distance, dreamed in other dimensions, experienced in phenomenal ways, both good and bad. Outside Maureen’s flowers, only one other living thing appears in Ancsa’s photography -- her feral calico cat, Sparkles. When Maureen tells the story about how Sparkles came to live with them, you’d almost think she was talking about Ancsa. “I found the litter in my neighbor’s woodpile at our cabin south of Hutchinson,” she said. “Soon the mama cat moved the kittens under our deck stairs. I told Ancsa about them and she asked -- no, begged -- to bring one home. The mama cat let me pick up Sparkles from day one. I watched the little kitten and she was the most friendly and adventurous one of the litter. Every night, when it was just getting dark, the kittens would come out of seclusion and play in my gardens. Sparkles was the one who would venture out the farthest. She was a very brave kitty. The others would not let me near them or touch them.” Ancsa’s Mamamaci also has a tender heart toward a second feral cat, Sparkle’s mom, who found no home except under the watchful caring eyes of Maureen, and also in a special basket under their dining room table. “She was going to be euthanized and I couldn’t bear it,” said the adopted mother. Did the Bonners also adopt Ancsa? “We can’t,” said Maureen. “She is over 18 years old. But adoption doesn’t matter in this case. We love her like one of our own.” Does Ancsa miss some of the kids and people she knew at the orphanage? “No, not really,” replied the little Gypsy girl. “Maybe some people, yes, but I see them every day. I have their pictures in my room. But one day I would love to visit them.” How does Ancsa like American food? “I like French fries,” she said. “I eat many things here I never had before, like pizza. I miss the soups. We used to have lots of soups. Mmmm.” Maureen said that Ancsa likes all kinds of potatoes, not just French fries. She also likes pork and chicken, but is in fact not a very big eater at all. Talented as she is on the viola and also the violin, Ancsa did not step forward easily to “perform” for this editor. With coaxing from her Mamamaci and Papamaci, she did play, however -- seated in another room, out from under our watchful eyes. She began with practice play, as professionals do. And then it was for real. The music was so beautiful. Ethereal might be the descriptive word for it transports those who hear it to a heavenly realm. Thank you, Ancsa. You will continue to further open the hearts of those who meet you. In this Christmas season, it is fitting that a child should lead. |
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