"When skating over thin ice, safety is in the speed."

A. Nonnie Mouse


"To seek the truth is, above all, a matter of doing the truth.

Only by living in obedience to the Law does one come

to understand the truth and to live in conformity to that truth."

David Bradshaw

"Thy Law is Truth" in Touchstone, November/December 2018.


"Someone who claims to be truth itself is hardly an ordinary man.

He is, as C.S. Lewis famously put it,

either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord."

David Bradshaw

"Thy Law is Truth" in Touchstone, November/December 2018.


"Legal over-dependency thrives especially in totalitarian societies

such as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union,

where citizens denouncing each other to the law,

became an effective if brutal way

of resolving their private disputes."

Michael P. Foley

"Virtue Gone Mad" in Touchstone, November/December 2018.


"I do enjoy gardens -- other people's gardens,

the fruit of other people's toil."

Paul Gregory

"Pastoral Realism" in Touchstone, September/October 2018.


"Our fiercest social battles now have to do with marriage --

what it is, who gets to enjoy and how many, what it means,

and whether children are accidental or accessory to it, like handbags."

Anthony Esolen

"The Wedding Guest" in Touchstone,

September/October 2018.


"Our mode of participating in politics increasingly leaves behind

the way of individual excellence and reasoned discourse

and substitutes for them mass demonstrations, cant, and violence."

Patrick B. Whalen

"Cyborgs in Hell" in Touchstone, July/August 2018.


"The extent to which we are willing to obey

is a useful barometer for measuring the depth

of our relationship with Christ."

D. Eric Schansberg

"The Great Omission" in Touchstone, May/June 2018.


"Skating on thin ice can get you into hot water."

A. Nonnie Mouse

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Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

The Victoria GAZETTE

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and fewer than a thousand words

at www.VictoriaGazette.com

Leuthner Well Company

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Mount Olivet Church-West Campus

Victoria  952-474-1148

January 2019