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To the Editor: Enclosed is my check for renewal, from a household of devoted readers. I about lost my eyesight poring over Addie’s “love” drawing. Could that be a fishhook on the right side of the heart? Lynne, Bob, and Betty Batzli Excelsior, Minnesota
EDITOR’S NOTE: When you really find the fishhook, you won’t ask the question.
To the Editor: Get the calculator and the receipts and all the important papers together. It’s the annual number crunch season. Uncle Sam wants our money as well as we do! He’s not a very generous uncle. He hogs the money! Uncle Sam never even gave me my stimulus check last summer. I’ve called the IRS several times and get put on hold for an hour and no response. I got a hold of one employee who asked for my previous address. I told him and he said there was a computer mistake, that checks were passed out but they went to the wrong addresses so I got a kick in the hinder. Hey, Uncle Sam, where’s my $300 stimulus check? Fork it over! I never got a new TV. I wound up getting satellite TV set up in our apartment, $25 extra on the rent but at least I don’t have to dust off another appliance on my entertainment stand. The converter won’t work here. The Minnesota River Valley screws up the reception. I went fishing and found your fishhook on the pencil eraser of the Darrell Rodenz ad on page 8 in the February Gazette. Kay Meuwissen Chaska, Minnesota
To the Editor: I’m attaching a poem I received as a thank you for our volunteering for the U.S. Postal Service in the Operation Santa program. As we march into the year anew, We’re thankful you were part of our crew. Shoulder to shoulder we work as one, Depend on each other and have lots of fun. We tip our hats in thanks and gratitude, For your dedication and can-do attitude. Thank you for your help in making the holidays brighter for children through Operation Santa. Cynthia Larson, Minneapolis Postmaster. Ron Holtmeier Victoria, Minnesota
To the Editor: I was looking through your online arhives trying to find the article about Fresh Seasons Market. You had a picture on the front page with the owners standing in front of the store. I am looking for the names. Could you tell me where I might find it in the Gazette archives? Thanks. Traci Schrempp via email
To the Editor: You do a good job with the Gazette and I always enjoy reading it, also finding the fishhook on page 8 in the Rodenz Accounting ad, on the tip of the pencil’s eraser. Have a nice day. Marie Otten Waconia, Minnesota
To the Editor: Attached you will find images of Preikestolen, situated in Stavanger, Norway. The text is in Norwegian, Italian, and Dutch. I find the pictures great. As I am self-studying the internet, I thought to send email as a tryout to you. Further, congratulations for your article about the blood donors in Victoria. From my own experience, I know how important it is receiving blood. This spontaneous act by our fellow man should be often put on the first page of our daily papers. Ich sende nach der kleinen Stadt Victoria, richtige schoen Musik zum traumen! Horen Sie mal zu! Why do I write in German to you? I learnt from your Gazette that the residents of Victoria mostly are of German origin. By the way, Josee tried your Norwegian recipe of cod. We enjoyed our meal. It was tasty. Bye. Rainy greetings from Dilsen. Love to you and Allan. Theofiel and Josee Keymis Dilsen, Belgium
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