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Explained the city administrator, “Option 3 includes the removal of the box from the utility easement and relocating the necessary equipment (fuses, etc.) to an existing power pole at the intersection of Thornberry Curve and Baycliffe Road. This option is a nonstandard design and, according to them, less reliable.” “Is it standard to talk to residents about locating these boxes?” asked Mayor Mary Thun.” Replied City Engineer Cara Geheren, “To date that hasn’t been standard for us here in Victoria or in other communities we work with, but I wouldn’t be comfortable in saying what the industry standard is. It isn’t very often that utilities had to be moved this significantly.” Asked Councilmember Tom O’Connor, “Did Xcel make the right decision from their point of view?” Replied Cara, “From a technical point of view.” Councilmember Kim Roden asked about MN Electric. “Have we ever checked with our other utility company to get another opinion? There might be other ways to do this. I don’t buy this yet.” “We have not asked the other utility to take a look at this,” stated Don. “There are minor things that could be done, but no big alternatives. I’m not positive we can come back with any other alternatives.” The mayor’s motion to proceed with Option 2 passed 3-1 with Kim Roden casting the nay vote. Tim Amundsen was absent. Stated Kim, “We’re simply moving the problem, not solving it. I hope the council is ready for the next round.”
NEW HARTMAN PROJECT IN VICTORIA DOWNTOWN DISTRICT ALONG STIEGER LAKE Council voted 4-1 on February 9th to approve a conditional use permit by Hartman Brothers to use shared parking for their proposed development along Stieger Lake Lane in downtown Victoria. Jim Paulsen cast the dissenting vote. The project consists of approximately 20,200 square feet of commercial, retail, and office space in the area where the Bayfront Art Festival was held last summer. As City Planner Holly Kreft explained, “It’s north of Stieger Lake Lane and south of the regional trail.” “The Planning Commission recommended this for approval,” said Holly. She said the project requires 40 parking spaces, and the development has 8 parking spaces of its own. The rest would be purchased by the developer from the city at $5,000 per parking space, as recommended by staff. She said that $5,000 is the approximate cost of constructing a parking space. Most of the shared parking would be acquired from the “Schmitty’s” parking lot, owned by the city, across the street from the development. That $160,000 [ 32 x $5,000]would go toward public parking improvements in the City of Victoria. Holly added that municipal parking would be provided in some manner -- the parking lot, the street, or underground, with exact delineation not noted at this time. Developer Terry Hartman has asked that a portion of the $160,000 be used to offset some of the costs he would incur in developing a “Bayfront” city park on the west end of his project. The rest would be given to the city in cash. Said Terry, “We’re excited about this project and the vision in the Master Plan. It’s public and private. We’re saying let’s let the private part go first, and we’d be driving both the public and the private parts.” Ann Mahnke, Director of Park Rec & Field House, reported there was significant discussion from the Park Committee. “They were excited about the possibilities but wanted to reserve judgment on the city park at this time.” According to Holly, the developer would make the park improvements with input of the Park Committee. Asked Councilmember Jim Paulsen, “What happens to the value of other people’s properties and their rights?” Replied City Attorney Mike Norton, “I don’t see a negative impact. The [shared parking] ordinance is going to treat everybody the same.” “I thought we were going to look at the Shared Parking Ordinance before we looked at this project,” said Councilmember Paulsen. Replied Mayor Mary Thun, “We were going to look at the Shared Parking Ordinance but not necessarily before this project.” Jim spoke of the Victoria Bar and Grill, called “Schmitty’s” until very recently. “No one at the city talked to the new owners,” he said. “We were able to find them to pay the liquor tax and the delinquent utilities, but not for this. I’m not happy with the process.” Stated Mayor Thun, “I regret the new owners were not informed. I think most of us are still getting used to the new name. We are lucky to have Stieger Lake here and Three Rivers Park is wonderful. It can be beneficial to our citizens. I commend Hartmans for coming up with this. I think we need to use the energy that has come forward. I think this is a real complement to the city.”
Click here for more on the Hartman project.
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