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LEGISLATING COMMON SENSE ABOUT DOGS AND PARKING IN VICTORIA Council adopted revisions to two unrelated chapters of Victoria City Ordinances on February 14th. From now on: ●A dog owner shall immediately remove any feces left by a dog not on property of the owner of the person in control of the dog. ●A dog license is valid for two years (rather than one year) from the date of license and must be renewed prior to expiration. ●Parking is allowed on the south side of Tower Boulevard from Victoria Drive to the alley for a period not to exceed two hours, as signed, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., as signed. ●Parking is not allowed on either side of Tower Boulevard between the alley and Quamoclit Street, as signed. Holly Kreft, Victoria Community Development Director, said the parking limit of two hours is at the request of a tenant of the Clocktower Building, since some employees were parking in spaces all day. Councilmember Tom Strigel asked if people are directed somehow to other parking areas in the city or if there are PP signs for designated locations. "That's something we can accomplish," replied Administrator Don Uram. Councilmember Jim Crowley clarified, however, "Employees know where they can park. It's employees parking all day in front of the building." The ordinance revisions passed unanimously with Councilmember Strigel commenting, "I always find it disturbing when we have to legislate common sense." Administrator Uram contacted Deputy Josh Banker who related that a parking ticket would be $42. A dog waste violation is $110.
VICTORIA CLOSES A HEALTHY 2010 TRANSFERS DOLLARS TO SPECIFIC FUNDS Council approved operating transfers totalling $1,078,000 from the General Fund for the year ended 2010, effective as of December 31st, 2010, to the following designated funds. ►$70,000 to the Capital Equipment fund to build reserves for future public works capital equipment purchases. Total amount in that fund is now $156,900. ►$10,000 to the Economic Development Authority to provide funding for marketing during the Trunk Highway 5 construction project. Total amount in that fund is now $40,300. ►$747,000 to the Capital Facilities Fund to provide funding for future capital facilities such as a Public Works Building and City Hall. Total amount in that fund is now $1.1 million. ►$26,000 in excess building permit fees to the Revenue Stabilization Funds, set aside for future revenue shortfalls, loss of state or federal funds, or any other unforeseen event. Total amount in that fund is now $124,300. ►$150,000 to the Downtown Redevelopment fund to repay-interfund loan from the Water Core for purchase of the 13.5 acres on the west edge of downtown Victoria. ►$75,000 to the Fire Truck Fund for future fire truck purchases. Total amount in that fund is now $483,905. Most of the above transfers ($757,736) were budgeted amounts. Stated Finance Director Jylan Johnson, “We ended the year with expenditures being under-spent. This allows us to increase transfers.” She explained that the General Fund unreserved fund balance is now $1.4 million, which is 44% of the 2011 budgeted operating expenditures of $3,163,577. She said the recommended amount of the fund balance is at least 35%. Jylan reported, “The General Fund for 2010 year-end closed with approximately $300,000 unspent expenditures, most notably in personnel services, outsides services, and supplies.” Added Mayor Mary Thun, “This also gives us a reserve to pay bills until we receive tax dollars.”
CUSTOMER SURVEY UNDERWAY AT 16 VICTORIA BUSINESS LOCATIONS Administrator Don Uram reported that 16 Victoria businesses are participating in a customer survey as part of a retail market analysis project. Businesses are surveying their customers for one week between February 27th and March 5th. The McComb Group is hired to use the survey information to complete the market analysis, which can be a valuable tool. Both the city and the retailers are expected to benefit from learning more about the customer base. "We are currently in the process of updating the 2006-2007 study," said Mr. Uram. "The report should be done in about six weeks. I'm looking forward to sharing the results of the survey."
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