Holy Family Catholic High School

Victoria * 952-443-4659

To the Editor:

         I was so happy to read in your August paper about the Chain of Lakes in Willmar.  I was familiar with Willmar Lake and Foot Lake, but not Swan or Skataas Lakes.  I am a Willmar native.  My great grandparents had the very first cottage on the Crescent Beach side of Green Lake in 1891.  The Spicer family initially owned the cabin.  My grandfather was a Bohanon.  The cottage was initially my grandmother's -- It came to her in 1921 -- who was Floy Nichols Bohanon after she married.    Interestingly, the cabin is still standing but in disrepair.  Happy to also hear you enjoyed time at Green Lake, where I spent my summers growing up

         Mary Ramseth

         Victoria, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         We all here are glad that you are going better, as your going and doing in and around Victoria, shows us.  Well done, girl.  It is a contrast to what we thought and you don't appear disabled from the car accident.  A pelvic fracture on your age should require a long time to recover.  But what do I see with my sharp eye, in Sue's Album?  That you and Allan have lost weight?  Is that possible?

         Thank you for your warm family photos from Marshall, Tioga, and Victoria.  And you especially charmed me with the introduction of your July editorial, with that sweet poem that Allan's mother recited.  With such a beginning of a text, I always become even more optimistic.

         But in your editorial of May, Madame Publisher, you put me on the wrong track with the word "leprechaun."  I thought, "Why does Madame Publisher use here a German word in the text?"  I consulted my four different German dictionaries, one of them bought in your twin city of St. Paul.  After a night's sleep, Wiki gave me the right determination.

         So, Madame Susan, may I ask you politely, when using those difficult words, put an asterisk with the word and add a little explanation at the bottom of the text.  A good family paper like yours is also, in my opinion, a pedagogue and a teacher.

         Also, congratulations to Allan.  The Lions Pavilion looks great.  A good job, done, Allan. But, Madame Publisher, did you forget your Allan in the published photos?  I didn't see him with the Pavilion.

         Theofiel Keymis

         Dilsen, Belgium


To the Editor:

         Greetings, Sue.  Congratulations on setting another high bar with your August articles on your City Scoop  Pages:  "Victoria's Longest Soap Opera Gets Longer" and "No Guiding Light at the End of the Tunnel."  This is exactly why we need you.  Soap opera drama, indeed.  Like the TV soap opera dramas, I wish the city provided dramatic background music so I could understand what the heck is going on.

         The August fishhook is artfully tucked under the shoe of Mr. Stiftungsfest, pg 14.

         Stan and Jayne Hamerski

         Chaska, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         Jim Schmidt, one of your subscribers and a member of my Chaska High School Class of 1948, passed away July 22nd, 2018.  He had a stroke on July 14th and wasn't able to recover.  His wife Carol said the kids were all there and he had a peaceful passing.  Jim's father was Julius Schmidt, Carver County Treasurer for many years and a real nice guy.

         Ron Holtmeier

         Waconia, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         Hi, Sue.  How are you doing after your big adventure in healing?  I've thought of you often but thought you likely just needed rest.  It doesn't seem to have slowed you down at all with your lovely writing. 

         I'm hosting a Women's Writer's Circle at the Victoria Library on the third Wednesday of the month for six months, from 12 noon to 1 p.m. starting September 19th.  Group size limit is five women.  For more information and to reserve a spot, call me at 952-443-0112. 

         Join us and share your love of writing with like-minded women.  Positive, open-minded women welcome and appreciated.  You might tell your friends that I'm a best selling author, award winning screenwriter and filmmaker, book editor, and ghost-writer.  I'll help with writing but the whole group will be there to encourage and support.  Critiques only if requested, and gently.

         Debbie Johnson

         Victoria, Minnesota



Drs. Dungey, Menser & Associates

Victoria and Waconia.  952-443-2816

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Victoria  *  952-443-2661

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Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

Guardian Angels Catholic Church

Chaska  *  952-448-4100

The Victoria GAZETTE

September 2018