Holy Family Catholic High School

Victoria * 952-443-4659

To the Editor:

       I read Gazette news at 8 o'clock this morning, as the sun entered the living room.  So much about Victoria's 100-year celebration and so many photos.  Thank you for the dear news of Victoria.  I will have to study how to get to Waconia (with the detours) during the summer months, although I will also be spending time at the lake.  Remember your trip to my place with Father Elstan on his way to Michigan?  Oh, how long ago and how dear the memories.  See you at St. V's behind the piano. 

         Janie Jasin

         Victoria Minnesota


To the Editor:

       I anxiously await the Gazette each month.  The paper arrived yesterday, the 5th.  I will continue reading it today, the 6th.  I started on the puzzle.  This is more challenging since I don't know all the counties offhand.  Also, it's much larger.  Wow!  I found the fishhook on the tail of the sculpture on page 41.  Enclosed is a subscription check.  Thank you so much.  Excellent work, Sue.

         Gerene Kes

         Minnetonka, Minnesota


To the Editor:

       What a joy you are to the area.  Love your paper.  It sure will be great when Victoria gets a grocery store.  The Highway 5 project looks like it's been a long time coming.  No gain, no pain.  It should be four lanes with all the traffic on Highway 5.  God bless

         Kathy Brose

         Waconia, Minnesota


To the Editor:

       Hi, Sue.  Thanks so much for your continued great effort in publishing the Victoria Gazette.  We look forward to each month's issue and catching up with what's new in the Victoria area and your families.  Our renewal check is enclosed.

         Congratulations to the City of Victoria and all its people on the upcoming Centennial Celebrations.  It's quite a milestone.

         Life is good with us.  For a variety of reasons, non-earth shaking, we took a year off from a winter getaway this year.  So far, it seems we picked the right winter to stay in Minnesota, weather-wise.  Of course we miss Arizona and its lifestyle.  Nothing like the smell of the desert in the early morning.

         So we're spending a lot of time with grandkids.  Owen, son of Kelly and Jeff, is almost 6 and in all-day kindergarten.  Robin and Andy's little ones, Jack, 3, and Morgan, 1, seem to consume most of our time. Robin is a full time mom.  Jack is in preschool two half-days a week.  It keeps us busy.

         Best wishes and Happy 90th to your dad.  It appears like a fun gathering is planned for all of you.  We always enjoy the opportunity to visit with your folks.  Look forward to seeing you and Al soon.

         Pat and Pauline Ahern

         Jonathan in Chaska, Minnesota


To the Editor:

       Hi, Sue.  I love what you do but am buried by the amount of required reading necessary.  Kindly remove us from your mailing list but accept the enclosed check for $50 as a token of our appreciation.

         Jack Beard

         Wayzata, Minnesota


To the Editor:

       Hi, Sue.  Hope you are fine.  Got the Gazette today and you know that we always pay in November for the next year.  Hope that's okay with you. 

         Carol Maas

         St. Bonifacius, Minnesota


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Drs. Dungey, Menser & Associates

Victoria and Waconia.  952-443-2816

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with memory challenges. 

Victoria.  952-908-2215

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Waconia.  952-442-2956


St. Bonifacius  952-446-1234

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Victoria  952-474-1148

St. Victoria Catholic Church

Victoria  *  952-443-2661

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Chaska  *  952-448-4100


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Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

Guardian Angels Catholic Church

Chaska  *  952-448-4100

The Victoria GAZETTE

April 2015