Did you see my online photos of Gunnar posing with the many fish he pulled in this past January from their ice house?  As we drove to Paynesville last week for a funeral, we saw that the ice was almost gone from many of the lakes and so I recalled the adventure we had on the ice earlier this year with our kids in North Dakota.  Where does the time go!

         It was kind of silly for me to wrap the fishhook around that tail of a bull sculpture last month -- so up in the air and obvious it seemed to me -- but that's what I did and many of you found it there on page 41 of the March paper.

         When I reached into the minnow bucket, I pulled out Bill and Maureen Paal of Chaska.  They were obviously swimming  together and so together they were retrieved to win the $10 prize.  That's only $5 a piece-- which goes further in a candy store than a grocery store, so have fun, folks.

         There's another fishhook hidden in this issue of the Gazette.  If you find it and want to be part of this monthly drawing, email Sue@VictoriaGazette.com telling of its location or use P.O. Box 387, Victoria MN 55386 and sinker in the mail. 

         I wonder if Gunnar's family has eaten all of those whitefish they caught out of Lake Sakakawea and smoked while we were there.  Almost makes me lonesome for the winter.  I said almost.

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April 2015